will they still look at my application?

<p>My application for Stanford is postmarked January 3rd, instead of the 1st. Do you think they'll still consider my application?</p>

<p>(1) Stanford does not accept paper apps without approval from the director of admissions
(2) Stanford does not accept late submittals no matter what. If you were approved for mail submittals, you should have postmarked your app by Jan 1st. </p>

<p>Sorry, so in a word, no.</p>

<p>But that’s OK. Good luck if you applied to any other schools!</p>

<p>sanders6209- is sanders either your last or first name?</p>

<p>oh well, that sucks. and no, my first name is alexander (or aleckSANDER).</p>

<p>ab2013, where are you getting that information?</p>

<p>It’s on the Stanford website.</p>

<p>what about counselor report and teacher evaluations. My teachers could not send them on time.</p>

<p>toji, i think youll be fine, because those elements are completely out of your control, which colleges are more sympathetic about. however, i don’t know about stanford’s policy in particular on counselor reports and teacher evaluations. in any event, you should get those sent in ASAP!! i procrastinated, and i ended up wasting a 75 dollars on the app fee :(</p>

<p>thank you, sanders6209. I believe that you should contact the admission officers and show your situation. You may think of making a call to Stanford as I think it is a good way to explain to the admission officers. Hope you will have a chance with Stanford.</p>