Will this CFA be good enough for the Academy?

<p>BBall throw- 78ft
Shuttle Run- 8.1 seconds
Pull-ups- 8
Sit-Ups- 85
Push-Ups- 75
Mile- 6:58</p>

<p>Go Navy
Beat Army!</p>

<p>strength is good, run is decent</p>

<p>ya, you got me beat and i did it at NASS this summer! you look to be in good shape!..literally</p>

<p>This should be fine for CFA purposes. However, if you’re a male, you need to work on your run. A male mid should be able to run a single mile in no more than 6:30 and preferably around 6:00. You’ll need to be able to do 1.5 miles in no more than 10:30 – and much less to get a decent grade.</p>

<p>Ya I think I ran about a 9:00 for my one min. mile at NASS this summer</p>