will this make me the ultimate nerdtacular nerd?

<p>this guy i sit next to in comp sci is into every nerdy thing out there- wow, lolcatz, cosplay-ing (dressing up as a favorite manga character-weird). but recently he kind of started talking to me about dungeons and dragons. and i'm intrigued. i started reading the rulebook and now i'm actually interested. does this make me a complete freak? does anyone know someone who plays d and d and is not the pluto of their school's social orbit? is d and d too freakish for even cc'ers?</p>

<p>I don’t know anyone who plays it except for one of my friends 21 year old brothers who still lives at home.</p>

<p>Wow, that sounded harsh. Didn’t mean it to sound mean, or rude. :)</p>

<p>Some of my friends play RPGs. I couldn’t see myself doing it, but it sounds like something that’s worth checking out if you’re interested. </p>

<p>lol nerd</p>

<p>It’s kinda geeky to play Dungeons and Dragons, but it ain’t right when I see people in my school play that orally. Like they literally have an imaginary board and start talking moves and stuff…</p>

<p>I never thought of RPGs as really geeky until I read chunky’s post.</p>

<p>So what if your labled as a “nerd”.
If its fun, go for it!
I love playing minesweeper and chess.</p>

<p>I was randomly surfing Wikipedia this one time, and I came across the article for “In Nomine”, which is a role-playing game about, like, Abrahamic theology. Was very intrigued.</p>

<p>So if you’re a nerd, I guess I’m a bigger one, since I found that one Wikpedia-surfing. :P</p>

<p>I always thought anime and cosplay were “geek” things, not nerd things - my “otaku” friends call themselves anime geeks. And how is lolcatz nerdy or geeky? I know it’s not a “smart people” thing, but I don’t associate it with nerds or geeks. Flat-out weirdos, maybe (I happen to like lolcatz).</p>

<p>I will say this: the Homecoming King at my school is an avid D&D player. Of course, he’s just so weird that he’s cool.</p>

<p>dungeons and dragons is probably the most geeky thing out there, but who really cares? if you think it’s fun, play it.</p>

<p>lol i love lolcats</p>

<p>If you like it, why not?</p>

<p>LOL : o</p>

<p>lunar years has just powned my geekosity.</p>

<p>I don’t see anything wrong with liking it/being intrigued by it. Being obsessed with it is nerdy though, lol.</p>

<p>If you do a little bit of it, it makes you different. If you spend your weekends on it completely and learn D&D statistics and probability and all that, then that makes you nerd^10. If you learn the elvish language, then you’re irredeemably nerdwadgeeky^100</p>

<p>LOL…I know a couple non-nerds who play it…just don’t get too in it like talking about it 24/7 at school so everyone knows how nerdy you are…</p>

<p>gaming owns. Enough said.</p>

<p>D & D is exceptionally nerdy, and I say this as someone who has played quite a bit of video games and watched a decent amount of anime in my day.</p>