Will UC GPA Wreck My Chances As an OOS Applicant?

I am graduating early from high school (after my junior year) because I’m maxing out of my school’s coursework and there’s no opportunity of dual enrollment or really anything but graduating early. Because of this, the only grades that I would have to send are my freshman year grades (which they said they don’t calculate in GPA), my sophomore year grades, and then my first semester of junior/senior year grades if they take those, I’m not even sure if they do.

In freshman year, I didn’t take any AP classes because these weren’t an option for us. In sophomore year, I took 1 AP class (AP Lang) out of the two classes that we could take (however I did take the AP Physics test though I took the regular physics class, which is all my school offered). I didn’t take the 2nd AP class offered (either AP World or APHUG) because neither of them were as interesting to me as physics. In spite of my lack of AP Classes, during my freshman and sophomore year I took almost all honors classes, however this doesn’t factor into my UC GPA since I’m out of state.

My unweighted GPA is a 4.0
My weighted non UC GPA is a 4.36
My UC GPA is a 4.15

For my senior year, I am signed up for 4 AP classes (AP Seminar, AP Calc, AP Biology and AP Chemistry). I’m taking regular US History because APUSH would not fit into my schedule, but I am planning on taking the AP test if it will help my chances to say that I’m doing so. The rest of the classes I’m signed up for are honors or are advanced classes yet not listed as honors at my school. I’m not even sure if they’ll see the grades that I get in these classes, or even see that I’m signed up for these classes at all. So I’m worried that the admissions officers might think I only took 1 AP class because I couldn’t handle the rigor when that’s not the case, I took what I could at my school.

I checked and I fulfill all of their courseload requirements since I started taking high school courses in 7th grade. That paired with the rigorous courseload I’ve had is why I’m running out of classes to make an actual senior year and why I have to graduate early.

Will the fact that my UC GPA is so low hurt my chances? Will they look at my coursework and see that I was taking the most rigorous courses offered to me in spite of the low GPA? Will I have any chance to explain myself and will they be understanding? Also, since I only have 2 full years of coursework, will they take my freshman year into account?

Thank you so much in advance for any advice.

Will you have all the UC a-g course requirements completed by end of Junior year including 4 years English and a year of visual/performing arts? You are stating that you have signed up for 4 AP classes Senior year so are you graduating end of Junior or Senior year?

What are your test scores and intended major?

OOS applicants actually have a higher GPA/Test score threshold for the top UC’s. Also only your AP/IB or DE courses count for the extra Honors points in the UC GPA calculation and not HS designated Honors classes for OOS students. HS course rigor is very important to the UC’s in the application review.

Since the UC application is due November 30th, students that are in their 4th year of HS do not have grades to send either. UC’s do not consider Senior grades in their admission decisions, but Senior year grades are used to maintain your provisional admission.


I’m graduating at the end of my Junior year but I just refer to it as my Senior year sometimes since it’s my last year. To clarify, I’ll be graduating after my third year of high school.
I double checked and I’ll satisfy their a-g course requirements by the end of Junior year.
My SAT is a 1460 currently (but I’m planning to retake it and take the ACT as well because I’m not happy with that score) and I’m waiting on SAT II scores for physics, math II and Spanish. My intended major is neuroscience (or an equivalent like biopsychology) but I also have a strong interest in linguistics that I want to show on my application.

Hopefully that helps, thank you!

You may be at a disadvantage when it comes to EC’s since you will not have that extra year to show consistency and dedication. Your UC GPA is a bit low for the top UC’s but your SAT is well within range.

I am really not sure how the UC’s will view your courses and grades since you stated you started taking HS courses in 7th grade. Are these HS courses listed on your HS transcript? Middle courses/grades are not considered so were you taking them on the HS campus? I really see no advantage in graduating early but you might want to contact UC admissions to ask your questions there.

You do not need to have dual enrollment courses at your HS to take college courses. Any way you could just complete your Senior with community college courses along with taking 1-2 elective courses on your HS campus so you really have 2 full years of grades to submit to the UC’s along with a true Senior year?

Have you talked with your Guidance Counselor about your situation and asked their opinion on trying to stay another year?

One other comment: Will your parents pay full fees at $60K/year for you to attend one of the UC’s? You will receive little to no financial aid as a OOS student.