Will Yale gently tell us our fate, or will they get straight to the point?

<p>What I mean is this: I know that when people receive acceptance letters in the mail, the letters start off with something to the effect of "Congratulations!" or "We're sorry". But how will the message be displayed online? </p>

<p>Will it look like
Status: Accepted/Deferred/Rejected</p>

<p>Or be more formal like
Congratulations! / Unfortunately / We're sorry, but...</p>

<p>Just wondering...</p>

<p>Idk, just wait another 166.2 hours and you’ll find out</p>

<p>It will be a dancing bulldog for acceptance and something else for the other two. Then you click for the letter.</p>

<p>I know that if you are accepted there is the bulldog there with music playing, but I have no idea about rejected/deferred (and while we are at it, I do not want to find out <em>knocks on wood</em>).</p>

<p>Hahahahaaaahah. I remember when I started my counter and it was over 1000 hours …</p>

<p>I was wondering the same thing! I hope its not just Status: Accepted/Deferred/Rejected cause that would be so anti climactic! As excited as I am for the 15th, I don’t like how I have to decide my own fate. Like with a letter, I don’t just click a button and see what my future holds. I guess I just never pictured myself finding out about Yale online, but oh well… I can’t wait!</p>

<p>It would be awesome if they had like a crying bulldog if you got rejected or something. That would cheer applicants up at least.</p>

<p>Yeah, I think one of the hardest decisions I will have to make will be:</p>

<p>To leave the volume on, or not to leave the volume on. THAT, is the question.</p>

<p>And OneKing, I’d feel like they were rubbing it in my face if they had a crying bulldog.</p>

<p><em>tears tears,</em> too bad for you :P</p>

<p>yeah, i always pictured myself having to skip the class after lunch so i had time to drive home and open my letter.</p>

<p>Then, either drive back to school with the letter, or…
stay home for the rest of the day</p>

<p>an online decision seems so informal and anticlimactic as opposed to getting the big/small letter in the mail</p>

<p>I can’t leave the volume on. I just can’t. I would be too tempted to close my eyes while the page loads…and then wait…and wait…and never hear anything! Ahhhhh it gives me chills just thinking about it. :(</p>

<p>I will probably turn the volume off, close my eyes while the page loads, and then look. And maybe then turn on the sound?? I hope??? <em>knocks on wood</em></p>

<p>They won’t do bulldogs or music for deferrals/rejections that is just DOWNRIGHT CRUEL! It will probably just say in simple lettering what it is, similar to SAT scores. (bad comparison, but you get the point)</p>

<p>I’ll let you know what it says/does if i get deferred/rejected</p>

<p>For deferrals/rejections, they should have the dog start dancing, and then get savagely, graphically murdered by a shark.</p>

<p>I’m going to leave the music off, and should it be necessary to turn it on, I’ll then turn it on and pretend like I had it on the whole time. Either way, everyone should go post on the “I would have gone to Yale, but…” forum because it’s freaking hilarious and I’m sure it’ll help a lot of us cope come Dec 15 at 5:01 pm Eastern… but of course, I hope I don’t need it <em>knock on wood</em>.</p>

<p>I don’t care. I’d rather have them write</p>

<p>“You’ve been rejected” </p>

<p>then some BS about how there were too many good candidates, you were great, and wish you luck in the future…</p>

<p>^ but the dog would have to survive for a deferral, with like a “to be continued…” sign or something. :)</p>

<p>and attach a camera to all those deferrals/rejections.</p>

<p>It would be pure art.</p>

<p>Sadistically so, but same difference eh?</p>

<p>lol… imagine, “OMG I GOT ACCEPTED!1111!!!ONE11ELEVEN!” and then all of a sudden… this shark pops up on screen… <em>knock on wood</em></p>

<p>HAHA, im glad other people here have dark, sarcastic humor like myself</p>

<p>(i loved the shark idea by the way)</p>

<p>LOL, It’d be funny if it said. “Congratulations… You’ve been offered a spot in the class of… JUST KIDDING! :P”</p>