William & Mary Class of 2027 Official Thread

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My DD’s is like @Mr.B27 Nothing ever under those orange links to areas of interest. Not a new change. That green box and links at the bottom have never been there. It makes me wonder if she never really completed her application.

I just posted a screenshot of the entire page view of my son’s. Is yours like that?

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Wonder if its a web page formatting issue. Doesnt look like that on my computer.

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Yes. Just like that. Always has been. She also never gets a single email from them since the one that said her app is complete. I don’t expect an acceptance, honestly. Not because of this portal issue, just because, she is getting WLd everywhere, and she has shown no interest in W&M.


It looks like that no matter where my son looks it up. Phone, tablet, and computer all look like that and has from the very beginning.

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I also have a permanent address and a temporary address that are exactly the same address

Can someone plz help me, idk why my login page crashed.

Mine did not crash

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Make sure you hit the Home button on status page of the application. We couldn’t find the withdraw message yesterday either when this thread started chatting about it and then clicked on that green box up top that says home and it refreshed to this page screenshotted here by the other poster. And there we found the Withdraw and the same page posted here now. Not sure it means anything tho right?


I just did that after reading your reply and nothing changed.


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Oh sorry! Wow!


The long paragraph regarding the application is now gone for me.

Many schools right before the decision comes out, their portals change. I don’t think there is any rhyme or reason to it.

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My portal is still the same

Mine daughters is the same. I am sure she never had it at the bottom. She’s our 3rd and I learned to take screenshots of the portals at the start and it wasn’t there.

I hope you have good news. This has been a rough year. I think many schools are being conservative with acceptances and WL many students but I think the WL will move.


Hi there, I think my son will be making the same choice——UCSD or W & M. I think the hardest part might be that there are no direct flights. I will be curious to hear what your son decides. (We live in the Los Angeles area).

We added UCSB to the mix now. I think he is waiting on the rest of the schools to come in before he stresses about it. The rest of his schools are reaches, so this may be it. It’s so hard because the UCs are such awesome schools. We looked elsewhere fearing he may not get into UCs. Now that we have choices, it’s hard. UC schools are big and crowded and W and M small and personal. He hasn’t visited UCSD even though we live here. LOL We’ll be visiting once all decisions are here.