William & Mary Class of 2027 Official Thread

I didn’t factor in the ED, so more hopeful numbers is good!


Has anyone ever received an email response back from their respective area’s admissions counselor? It’s great that they have their personal touch in the random postcards that they send to admitted students, but I’ve heard repeatedly in these forums that they want applicants to show interest. They have never replied to any communications. Any thoughts?

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Demonstrated interest is not a big factor in WM admissions, but I’m not sure why the counselor wouldn’t respond. My student has never contacted one. What types of questions was your student asking? They don’t usually respond to questions that can be found on the website.

They may be super busy and just haven’t had time.


We have received 3 response emails from our AO, but as @lkbtnc said, it was for specific questions that could not be found on the W&M website; one of these was simply an acknowledged receipt of his Letter of Continued Interest (deferred ED1). If you have a material update to your child’s information (test scores, significant award, etc), those can be communicated, but my understanding is they really don’t want to hear from you otherwise.

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Got the postcard TODAY in NOVA! Im sorry, but our delivery is awful.


My daughter (accepted ED1 in December) had many back and forth emails with her AO. She met her several times in person (at her high school here in Virginia AND at WM events). She always made sure to ask a question (a real one but also to keep the conversation going). I find it odd that your student didn’t get a response. Any way the email address was wrong?

D21 received responses from her Wm&M AO during that cycle

If it’s an actual question it seems unusual. My S23 has gotten a response typically within 24 hours. If it’s just an acknowledgment that the information was received (say you sent over a LOCI) then I wouldn’t find that unusual considering how busy they are this time of year.

We have always gotten a response from our regional counselor there within a couple of hours, but it may vary by counselor, and yes time of year. BTW I recognize your name, we also are between Wm and Mary, Nova and Richmond. Would you mind sharing which way you are leaning and why? We are from the midwest and other than the visits have not had a any exposure

I’d check to make sure you are contacting the correct person. The AO that we had in the summer is no longer there.

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Thanks foer the responses. It is the correct email. Seems to be differing opinions whether they should respond or not. My opinion - they 100% should regardless of how busy they are. That’s their job at this time of year and they openly publish their contact info and bios. It’s a public university funded partially by our (VA residents) taxpayer dollars and they have an obligation to respond to these kids who are putting their heart and soul into these applications and decisions, which will affect the next 4 years of their lives (and beyond). Will try again. For the record, every other college has responded to his inquiries and have shown much more willingness to communicate.

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Are his questions something that can’t be found on the website? My DD wrote to an AO for another school and her automatic response (it was a set return response for any email) was that they are busy right now and any updates to submit to a certain email.

It actually is! Any point of contact is recorded in the student’s record and therefore part of the application review process. If you didn’t get a response, try emailing admission@wm.edu and they’ll answer or re-route. (I used to work there!)


@hark - Do you have any insights into the W&M Griffen Ambassadors? My S23 was excited that they started following him on Instagram last week.

If you get a likely postcard is there a chance they won’t offer an admission or is it pretty guaranteed?


Guaranteed unless perhaps you really mess up the last part of senior year


My daughter got the Cypher Postcard today with a handwritten note! We are out of state and didn’t even know about this. What a nice surprise!


It was def a nice surprise and really made my Dd’s day.


Do you think all of the likely postcards have all been received by now? :frowning: