<p>So I've been home for about three weeks now and have sunken into this gloom that doesn't seem to be letting up.</p>
<p>It's not depression, because I had an absolutely amazing first semester and can't wait to go back to school. Basically, I stay up til 4, sleep til 1, and generally do nothing all day. Being with my family is quickly starting to get on my nerves, just because they don't understand where I'm coming from on this issue. Then I feel bad for being snappy at them because they've given up a lot for me to be able to go to college.</p>
<p>My friends here are good, but I really like my college friends a lot better, and I've only seen my local friends once or twice. We've stayed friends throughout first semester but don't really have much in common anymore. I have some friends who are still in high school but all of the sudden they just seem really immature (or maybe it's just me, because I'm in a very different place now.)</p>
<p>I don't want to seem whiny because it's nice to be home and just relax, but is it normal to be so blue over a long break? I'm in touch with my college friends every day and they seem to be having a great time at home--also, I'm from a really small town with not a lot of people my age so that could have something to do with it.</p>
<p>I think it might be normal, i’ve been home for a while now and I’m going through very similar days, going to sleep at 4am or even 5am and not waking up till half the day is gone and it’s well into the afternoon. Don’t see my family much because I sleep in the day and only really see them in the evening etc…</p>
<p>I had a fantastic first semester and worked very hard but now I feel very unproductive and unsure about how i’ll get back into the new semester. I think all this might pass once we get into the new semester though.</p>
<p>If it helps just try to force yourself up a little early and get out of the house a little, or maybe go for a run. It’s not much but it helps me on the days that I can actually manage to get out of my room before 2pm. :p</p>
<p>It’s pretty normal. A lot of people feel like that in winter or around the holidays.</p>
<p>Definitely try exercising each morning, and try to get up a little earlier. Keep your sleep schedule normal… when you wake up, go outside for 15 minutes or be exposed to bright light for 15 minutes… it’ll sort of jump-start your system.</p>
<p>Don’t you have a job back at home? A lot of people I know have jobs at home that they tend to once they come home for break. That might help relieve the boredom somewhat.</p>
<p>Start writing a novel. Learn how to do something. There are millions of things to do out there.</p>
<p>I’m definitely with ya… I wish I was back in college! My HS friends are always away traveling somewhere with their family and when they’re home they’re always unavailable because its Christmas / Christmas Eve or New Years / New Years Eve. I know they’re not but sometimes it sounds as if they’re making excuses to not hang out… it gets really annoying</p>
<p>I’ve been sleeping at like 1 AM, waking up at 10AM, going to the gym and working about an hr and a half… and the entire afternoon has been full of boredom. And I agree - my parents have been really annoying for some reason, not really treating like someone my age (19) in which they should know I’m an adult now, not a kid.</p>
<p>Only 16 days left till I’m back to school =D <– ironically, I can’t wait to go back</p>
<p>Yes! You basically just described my situation exactly. At least I get to go back on Sunday. I really wish I had a gym membership at home, but I don’t really plan on spending enough time here for that to be worthwhile. And it’s really too cold to do much of anything athletic outside. Meh.</p>
<p>Nevertheless, the break has been good for some things. I think I have a lot better idea of what I want out of life now. Now that all of my first-semester exploration is over, I can use the next semester to put some order in my life.</p>
<p>“not really treating like someone my age (19) in which they should know I’m an adult now, not a kid.”</p>
<p>Whine, whine, whine. Your parents (presumably) expended a lot of time, energy, resources, etc. into raising you to be a somewhat respectable person. You suddenly expect them to stop caring and molding you into a better person because now you can buy a pack of cigarettes? Being 19 means you can choose to not follow what your parents say; it doesn’t mean they shouldn’t tell you things about how to live your life.</p>
<p>Yes, my parents have raised me into a respectable person, and I was sort of exaggerating but allow me to explain.</p>
<p>We had a lot of snow, three days later when the roads cleared up I asked if I could drive to the movies with my friends (only about 5 miles). Parents said no, keep emphasizing how slippery it was. I reasoned that if I was able to live in several months in an out of state college (7 hrs from home), they should trust that I could drive. In addition, if I never learn how to drive in negative situations (i.e. slippery roads, snow in the streets), how could I ever learn to face the situation in the future? What if there’s an emergency in the future where the roads are in a bad condition… wouldn’t me having driven in slippery roads have helped me be more comfortable with the situation?</p>
<p>Another case is when I was out in a restaurant in a group of friends till 11PM and parents kept asking why I am not home. Can they not trust that I can be responsible for myself?</p>
<p>I love my parents, I realize they try to do what’s best for me, but all I’m saying is that they could lighten up a lil and give me their trust. THAT IS WHAT I MEANT, I AM NOT WHINING! I KNOW BEING 19 DOESNT MEAN THEY SHOULDNT TELL ME HOW TO LIVE LIFE.
But just because it comes from a parent/parents it doesnt mean it’s the best solution.
That’s all I was trying to say.</p>
<p>wow its opposite from me - I hated coming home but now I’m so relaxed and I feel great… I dont want to go back to school. Perhaps its because I’m a 4th year.</p>
<p>Also it’s probably because I’m not at my hometown and staying out really late (my parents moved so I dont really know people here)… THEN my parents will start to get on my nerves because I have a curfew at like 11-12 although I’m 21… asian parents. (although my brother can stay out all night)</p>