Wiscard, Debit card, and Meal plans?

<p>Okay, I know UW Madison doesn't have meal plans. You just put money in your account and purchase food that way. I'm confused about all the different accounts though and which cards to use. The Wiscard is to be used for food in the residence halls, right? Is the debit card just for whatever, like a card from a regular bank?</p>

<p>There are a few accounts on the Wiscard you will want to familiarize yourself with. </p>

<p>Housing Food: Used in any of the dining halls around campus and gives you the subsidized prices for 60% cheaper food. You must live in the residence halls to use this account however. It’s also used for laundry which is 2 bucks a load.</p>

<p>Campus Cash: Used in any of the Unions and Union affiliated cafes/delis around campus. Gives you a 5.5% discount on food purchases. Also can be used the the University Book Store. </p>

<p>I would recommend putting money on both of the above accounts so that you can be flexible with where you eat. </p>

<p>Debit Card: If you have a Credit Union account you can tie it to your Wiscard essentially making it a debit card. Only upside to this is the convenience factor of carrying around one less card. Works like any old debit card.</p>