WIScard question

<p>Son is moving out of the dorms and into an apartment this year. While I assume most of his meals will be eaten in the apartment, I am wondering how many students use the Union Meal Account (on the WIScard)? If they have this account, can they also eat in the Gordon Commons, or Reta's, etc? Did you find that you, or your student, ate meals on campus often while living in off-campus housing?</p>

<p>Definitely. Liz Waters cafeteria was a favorite for lunch with class around The Hill. Union was good for lunch or dinner.</p>

<p>We are in the same situation, so no advice. But, we are putting money on the campus cash account on wisc card, figuring that there will be days when Gordon’s is a lot easier than the alternative. Also, went ahead and did the 'red card" for debit card function for restaurants like Ian’s etc. </p>

<p>I still wonder just what an apartment with 5 19 year old boys is going to smell like after a few months. . . . .</p>

<p>Midwestmom… I’ve been wondering the same thing! LOL As we have been collecting items to help supply this apartment, it is hard to imagine my 19 year old and his friends actually keeping an apartment organized at all! I know what his bedroom is like, after all! I will probably have him put some money on his Campus Cash part of the Wiscard. So, is Campus Cash good at the commons, etc.? I’m confused what the difference is with the Union Meal Account vs Campus Cash.</p>

<p>This is my understanding:</p>

<p>Campus Cash is like a debit card. It allows you to use the card instead of cash.</p>

<p>Union Meal Plan can only be used in the cafe’s in campus buildings and the unions at a discount…you cannot use union meal account for residence hall dining.</p>

<p>I believe anyone can eat in residence hall dining and pay full price for food vs. the heavily subsidized prices paid by residence hall residents (they pay a fee as a part of housing cost).</p>

<p>As long as you have the minimum deposit amount, it’s probably best to put money on both union meal plan and campus cash. You might also want to look at red card. For me, the paper mail arrived yesterday. Basically, discounts at area restuarants and works like a debit card. Also, it’s good at the closest grocery store to campus.</p>

<p>Anyone can eat in the residence hall dining facilities. Students who are currently living in one of the residence halls pay the subsidized food price when using their Wiscard to pay. </p>

<p>People who use cash will pay the full retail price for food items.</p>

<p>The Union Meal Plan is good at 23 locations (but not at the residence hall dining facilities) and users receive 10.5% off of the stated price. Campus cash users receive 5.5% off the stated price at the 23 campus restaurants and delis (again, these campus delis and restaurants are NOT the dorm dining halls).</p>

<p>Here is more information:</p>

<p>[Wiscard</a> | University of Wisconsin?Madison](<a href=“http://www.wiscard.wisc.edu/campus-account_options.html]Wiscard”>http://www.wiscard.wisc.edu/campus-account_options.html)</p>

<p>Choose the Wiscard Campus Account That’s Right for You.
There are three different Wiscard Campus Accounts and since you can participate in more than one, it’s easy to find the best fit for your life on campus.</p>

<p>Campus Cash
Campus Cash, our most versatile account, is accepted anywhere you see the Wiscard logo.</p>

<p>This account offers maximum flexibility, plus a savings of 5.5% for enrolled students on food purchases at restaurant and delis across campus. A minimum deposit of $10 is all it takes to get you started.</p>

<p>Use Campus Cash for: meals, snacks, clothing, school supplies, bus tickets, theater events and more at Wisconsin Union locations. Textbooks and much more at the University Book Store, course materials at the Humanities and Social Sciences Copy Centers, computer supplies at the DoIT Tech Store, printing on campus, desktop delivery of articles owned by UW-Madison Libraries.</p>

<p>Set up your account:
A Campus Cash account is automatically set up for students.
Manage your Campus Cash account here.</p>

<p>Union Meal
A meal plan account for faculty, staff and students who do not live in a residence hall that offers food service.</p>

<p>Eat on campus often? Save money and time with the Wisconsin Union’s meal plan, a terrific complement to a Campus Cash account. The Union Meal account is the only campus meal plan available to students who do not live in a residence hall. A minimum initial deposit of $250 for an academic year is required.</p>

<p>The Union Meal account is accepted at over 23 Wisconsin Union restaurants and delis across campus. Students save 10.5% on food purchases at all Wisconsin Union restaurants and delis. Faculty and staff save 5% on food purchases at the Wisconsin Union restaurants and delis. Wisconsin Union dining locations offer grilled specialties, Mexican entrees, soups, salads, sandwiches, made-to-order stirfrys, and more. Get a quick bite to eat from any of our “grab and go” delis or enjoy a meal in one of our restaurants.</p>

<p>Set up your account:
A Union Meal account can be set up by calling the Wiscard office at 608-262-3258, or the Union Cashier’s office at (608) 263-1964, or completing and returning the Wiscard deposit form.
Fill out the Union Meal account deposit form here</p>

<p>Please note: The Union Meal account is not intended for students living in a residence hall that offers meals or food service.</p>

<p>Housing Food
This food service account is available only to undergraduate students living in University Residence Halls.</p>

<p>Residents may use the Housing Food account to purchase meals and snacks at University Housing food service facilities. In addition, residents use the account for laundry. Only students living in the University Residence Halls are eligible and receive detailed information with the room assignment and quarterly billing mailings. For more information on this account, call (608) 262-2522 or click here.</p>

<p>Set up your account:
A Housing Food account is automatically set up for students living in University Housing.
Manage your Housing Food account here.</p>

<p>Nice feature at UW-Madison is that anyone can eat anywhere. Dorm residents don’t lose out when they skip eating at Res Halls facilities, off campus friends can join them and you don’t need to be with a dorm student to use Res Halls dining places. As stated above, Res Halls residents will get a huge (60%?) discount, but will have paid a facilities fee as part of the dorm price. The Unions also have a discount program. </p>

<p>btw- Res Halls students need to use their Res Halls housing account to get the dorm resident discount- they also pay full price if they use any other payment type, including the other part of their Wiscard (warning to dorm residents to keep enough money in that particular account). At the end of the academic year (end of spring semester) remaining housing account funds get rolled over into the other card account. When you graduate or otherwise leave the campus in years to come any remaining funds can be cashed in (see UW website for details).</p>

<p>Ah- sons in apartments. One worry of mine was that son’s apartment mates would be offended by his mess. They staggered arrivals and the place was a mess when son moved in (and out). Someone’s mother must have caught the banana sale I knew about- and the same bunch on the counter was noticeably overripe when we brought some stuff one week later. They had to live with the place and divvied up the work according to their wishes. Glad they had to deal with it, none of my business- no one was taken advantage of work wise or financially. Groceries available within walking distance for those without regular access to a car (parental visits invariably involved trips to Woodmans on the west side as they were a good price many items store).</p>

<p>@Wis75: part of your response is dated. Money left in Res Hall dining account is refunded via check if you have more than $20 remaining at the end of your residence hall contract. It will not be transferred to the other types of accounts. All of the details are laid out in the info and link that Madison85 posted.</p>

<p>Thanks everyone. This is very helpful.</p>

<p>The residence hall dining discount for residents is 30% off of the cash price.</p>