Wisconsin Madison vs. Ohio State

<p>Pros and cons of both?? Im sooo torn between them in terms of where to go for college. Thanks in advance =D</p>

<p>I am the same way! I want to major in political science, and I’m torn between the two schools.</p>

SAT: 1780 (took it once, expect to get 1900 or upper 1800’s in the fall and a 1250)
ACT: 27
GPA: 3.48 unweighted 4.2 weighted
5 AP’s through junior year, 3 AP’s senior year.</p>

<p>govt- 4
enviromental- 3
english- 3
stat- 3
world history- 2</p>

<p>I intern for my state senator and expect a letter of recomendation from him. I have over 500 hours of community service and multitudes of leadership positions from president of young democrats, to VP of class, to president of youth group, and I am very politically involved. 12-season athlete and captain of 2 sports.</p>

<p>I know I want to go to Wisconsin or Ohio State, but I’m so torn between the two. I’ve visited Wisconsin and I loved it, and I plan in visiting Ohio State this fall. “Sweetambrosia” and I would greatly appreciate your imput on both of the schools!</p>

<p>Id go for Wisconsin cause it seems more fun, but idk about ther programs</p>

<p>Wisconsin’s got better looking girls
Wisconsin parties better
Ohio State’s Football teams better, and there’s seemingly more fans of it.
I think Wisconsins campus looks better, its on a lake.
Wisconsin gets colder then Ohio in the winter.
Madison’s in the middle of nowhere, Columbus is a pretty big city, and its not to far from Cincinnati, or Cleveland if you get board of it. All u got at Wisconsin is Milwaukee, but if you wanna drive far enough Minneapolis is cool.
University of Wisconsin is the 7th most prestigous public university in the US
while Ohio State is the 19th.
Personally id choose Wisconsin cause of its epic party scene and good looking girls. But there both good schools, and theough Wisconsin is 7th, and Ohio State is 19th, that doesnt really matter for jobs in the future except locally, either are different than a non top 50 school, but a jobs not gonna choose a Wisconsin grad over a Ohio State grad just cause of the school.</p>

<p>Sean–one correction–Chicago is within easy reach of UW and a bus to Chicago stops at the UW Union 9 times per day. By car I have made it in under 3 hours downtown to downtown. Traffic will vary.</p>

<p>I didnt know they were so close. that definitely puts Wisconsin over Ohio State with location, Chicago’s much better then Cincinnati, or Cleveland.( i hate Cleveland and its my hometown)</p>

<p>thanks a lot you guys!
i actually live in chicago and have seen enough of it to last me a lifetime, but i still dont want to be too far. uwm is closer to chicago, but not too close, which makes it my first choice.
again thank you soo much for making my choice easier!</p>

<p>to “brandon2me23” im glad we are on the same page!! where do you go to school??</p>

<p>at first was gung ho for ohio state because it was 40,000 people, and i figured you couldnt go wrong there, its like a small city, so there is BOUND to be at least one person like you. but then i got to researching big ten schools in general [im a big ten girl] and found out uwm was cheaper for out of state, 10,000 less than osu, but still large, and is still pretty diverse</p>

<p>Students- consider the academics first. Then the campus. Then the city. A good campus won’t find you bored enough to want to leave it, and you won’t be taking the time during the semester to travel to other cities- therefore distance from them is irrelevant. School spirit is just as good at UW as at other Big Ten schools- and not the major reason to attend a college. UWM (meaning UW- Milwaukee) is not in the same league as the flagship schools- it serves a different mission. Both UW and Ohio State have similar student population sizes. Is Columbus as exciting as Madison? The middle of Ohio lacks the natural beauty of Wisconsin- get away to Devil’s Lake for the day, the city hills, lakes… Madison is great for runners and bicycling. The hills are good for winter fun.</p>

<p>Realistically consider your proposed major and costs. Cosider how liberal/conservative the two schools are. Do you want to be with primarily Ohio residents or those from Wis- Minn? What are the extracurricular options? There is much more to life than watching fall football games. Definitely visit both campuses and see which one seems to be a better fit.</p>

<p>Choose some probable majors and determine how each school handles them. Is your subject offered? What do you need to do to be accepted into your chosen major? What requirements are there to get a degree- general and courses in your field? What are your future goals? It is easiest to get an education degree in the state you intead to teach in- you will meet state specific license requirements. Admission to the Business School or an Engineering field may work better for you at one or the other. Planning on grad school? Check the grad program ratings in your major- you may be taking some grad level courses before you get your BA/BS.</p>

<p>Only YOU can determine which school is the best match for you. Your comfort level will depend on where you grew up- all of those subtle things you take for granted as being the way to do things.</p>

<p>It completely eludes me why you would take a random shot at UW Milwaukee here. It’s entirely out of context in this thread. Moreover, by your own logic UW-Madison is not in UW-Milwaukee’s league, either, as their missions are indeed different. UW-Madison is a great public flagship University. UW-Milwaukee is a great public urban University. A student of architecture, water engineering, urban ecology, film production, theater, music, public safety or library science, just to name a few areas, might well be better served at Milwaukee than at Madison because the programs are better (or because there are no such programs at Madison). Some students just want to live in a larger, more diverse, more exciting city than Madison. Different Universities have different strengths. That’s one of the essential purposes to having a state University system, instead of just having a one size fits all institution. No University “fits all,” no matter the talent level of the student.</p>

<p>Typical wis75. Remember what I said about condescension and superiority?</p>

<p>UWM comment generated by confusion with posters using uwm and the city of Milwaukee in posts. Nothing wrong with feeling the flagship is superior to other colleges- not all schools or students are created equally. The top academics and student peer group will be found at UW- the flagship, the one with the national and international prescence. The same students are unlikely to find both UW and UWM to be good fits- this is the UW forum, not UWM’s. btw- being urban is not equivalent to being a good/great school, just being large does not make a city great- most of the Milwaukee area wealth is located in its suburbs, the city is suffering from this.</p>


<p>All I can say is: huh? Nobody was confusing UW-M with UW in this thread; somebody merely suggested that if a UW student wanted a diversion in a major city Milwaukee is the closest. Your shot at UW-M was completely gratuitous and made no sense.</p>

<p>“uwm” is the red herring. btw- if all schools are created equally why bother choosing one over the other or having discussions about them?</p>

<p>I realize you have a pet peeve about the use of “uwm” to refer to UW, but I respectfully suggest that you can gently correct a poster’s use of the wrong acronym when referring to Madison without taking a gratuitous shot at UW-M. It’s clear on this thread that the poster was talking about UW and knows full well that UW is in Madison, not Milwaukee. You’re just an awfully opinionated (dare one say, judgmental?) person, at least as you present yourselves in your posts.</p>

<p>As for your “why bother having a discussion” point, this thread is about UW versus OSU. Not UW versus UW-M. As you know full well.</p>

<p>repeat- red herring. can’t always assume posters aren’t throwing in extraneous factors.</p>