<p>Sorry- kate your right-my mistake about that.
i am just on Cloud Nine because I get to have no surgery and I don't have to worry about it anymore.
I am only 15-my wisdom teeth came in extremely early</p>
<p>To prove I was a man, I let my wisdom teeth grow in. Chuck Norris now bows to me.</p>
<p>Chuck Norris bows to no one.</p>
<p>I let other people think that.</p>
<p>Chuck Norris bows to no one.</p>
<p>Good comeback, Buddy.</p>
<p>We had wisdom teeth removed by oral surgeon. Some folks have just two out at a time while the rest of us have all 4 out at the same time. I actually had mine pulled & ate food the same evening (but don't believe they were impacted--was never told they were). Don't recall having swollen anything. They healed fine & never needed pain meds afterwards.
Haven't been told whether my kids will need to have their wisdom teeth extracted but suspect they probably will at some point. <sigh> They also needed teeth removed before getting their braces, as did I & my sibblings.</sigh></p>
<p>Chuck Norris bows to no one</p>
<p>I'm really scared - I get my wisdom teeth out tomorrow at 9:30. Apparently they're knocking me out and IV tubing and everything? I've never had either...I'm also scared to death of needles. I really don't want to go...</p>
<p>just curious, why can you not keep your wisdom teeth? My mouth doesn't have room to keep them, so they have made my front teeth crooked and such...but other than looking horrible, do they affect anything else?</p>
<p>Don't worry about it ;) I had them done a few years ago, and mine were TERRIBLE! They were growing sideways and were impacted (ie: under the gum) I had to be knocked out too :)
The worst part is the swelling and the soreness of gums. It all goes away after about a week though. Trust me, the "best part" is the procedure, afterwards is when the hell begins :)<br>
Seriously though, its not too too bad. You'll be fine.</p>
<p>wisdom teeth are difficult to brush, and since they are way in the back, they tend to be prone to decay, and once you lose one wisdom tooth, the others are quick to follow since each tooth needs it vertical counterpart to remain firmly rooted :)</p>
<p>insurance wouldn't cover the whole "knocking out" thing for me, and I was sad..I had to go it wide awake wi/ nothing but numbing shots</p>
<p>^^^ Yes, very true. I had to get a water pik to help clean out the pockets at the back of my mouth. You have to be very careful about that.</p>
<p>Had mine removed before they came up through the gums. Got some wonderful painkillers from surgeon that made my life perfectly fine for the first 24 hours of recovery. I had noodles for dinner that night (didn't know I wasn't supposed to) and had absolutely no problems with that. The next day, I felt pretty much back to normal and felt fine until a couple days later when the real problem set in- one side of my jaw had gotten infected, leaving that half of my face yellow and swollen for about a week. I couldn't really eat and felt worse than right after my teeth had been taken out- all this during late call rehearsal week for the school play. The tooth socket had to be packed with gauze and I had to miss a day of school so that I could do an hourly "swish and gargle" routine with special mouthwash. Long story short- it shouldn't be bad at all unless there are complications (which are pretty rare- I was just lucky :-S).</p>
<p>shellzie, that happened to me, too, but it was more like six weeks later...and during my first job, to add insult to injury. All I could do was sit around and moan with one side of my face more swollen that it ever was for the surgery. Believe me, I was pretty annoyed to be rare and was wishing all the horrible things in the world on my oral surgeon.</p>
<p>I got my teeth out this morning...</p>
<p>four and right now, I'm all right. My mom has taken wonderful care of me, but so far I haven't had any prescribed pain killers, just aleve and an ice pack on/off all day. I really want solid food though...:(</p>
<p>chuck norris bows to no one</p>
<p>Yo yo yo, why are all you people copying my Chuck Norris bows to no one line, at least give me some credit where credit is due.</p>
<p>chuck norris bows to no one</p>
<p>Way to take a joke that wasn't even funny to begin with and kill it.</p>
<p>I thought mine were coming in about 2 weeks ago because I got this lump in my jaw that I didn't think was a tooth because it seemed to be more in my cheek and not in enough to be in my gums, but I was wondering if anyone else experienced anything like that? It's gotten smaller and is almost gone, but it really hurt and I almost couldn't open my mouth for a couple hours one night, and the back of my gum hurt on that side too. However, I haven't had any problmes since. Anyone else experience something like this?</p>