Wish list

<p>In MyUW, I see the class search/wish list. Do I do anything with this before I attend SOAR?</p>

<p>The short answer is no, not really. If you don’t want to, don’t read any further.</p>

<p>The wish list is not completely necessary for SOAR, but I recommend making one. I always make one every semester when the timetable is released, because one, it helps you enroll fast, and two, you can visually see your schedule. Plus it’s really enjoyable. :stuck_out_tongue: I didn’t make one before my SOAR date two years ago, but I wish I had, because then I would’ve had more time to discuss specifics with the advisor.</p>

<p>What you can do is browse through the class search. Make sure you select Fall 2010-011 term, not let it stay on spring. Every class, with every time it’s offered, and pre reqs for next semester are all listed on there as well. Just go to “Search for Classes”, select Fall 2010-2011, and you can browse course subject, which is the easiest way to do it. Maybe you’re interested in Biology, so select that, don’t select a class number, then search to see what bio classes are offered and when, and if they’re full. You might want to look at the catalog first (<a href=“Guide < University of Wisconsin-Madison”>Guide < University of Wisconsin-Madison; and browse courses) just to see what classes you’re interested in, then look them up on the timetable in the student center. Select a class you’re interested in, and you can add it to the wishlist. Continue this process, then you can view it all together as a schedule. Once your enrollment time comes around, then all you have to do is press three buttons and you’re enrolled in your classes. :slight_smile: Easy stuff. </p>

<p>What you can do is make yourself a schedule of classes you think you’d like to enroll in, keeping in mind class size, prerequesites (this one will be important, since you might not be able to enroll in some classes you want), times, all that good jazz. Then you can discuss this schedule with the advisor at SOAR, since if you just make one there, you really won’t have time to. They’re crunched for time with all these new students, so being prepared is to your benefit. </p>

<p>The wishlist is not a definite thing, so your final schedule may be totally different. It’s meant to help, and I really recommend making one, if just to get familiar with the student center. Being familiar with the student center will save you time at SOAR, and like I said, having a wishlist of classes that you’re interested in will help you when you talk to your advisor.</p>

<p>I didn’t really explain this that well, but if you are interested in making one and need help, feel free to ask. :slight_smile: You can see this link for a tiny bit of help, too. [Student</a> Center - Wish List Help](<a href=“Page Not Found - DoIT Help Desk Knowledgebase”>Page Not Found - DoIT Help Desk Knowledgebase)</p>

<p>You can also use this tool to refine your schedule after deciding which classes you want to take (and which are still open), and then enter your final choices into the wishlist.</p>