Withdraw or Suck it Up?

<p>CC Members:</p>

<p>I'm a sophomore at a university that operates on the quarter system. Since freshman fall, I have yet to take a break and while my classes are not the most difficult, I have begin to feel extremely unmotivated. As a result, I am doing poorly in my classes and would love to take the semester off. I still have time to withdraw and salvage a part of my scholarship (60%). However, going home and finding a job means being back with parents, who strictly adhere to the "my house, my rules" motto. I believe that the only reason why I'd rather not stick it out is graduate school admissions. I currently have a 3.5 GPA (which I hope to raise to a 3.7) as an engineering major, and I could not possibly imagine the thought of failing. What would you guys do in my situation? Thank you in advance for your suggestions!</p>


<p>I had a similar situation about a year ago where I just felt kind of exhausted and worn out from school, so I took some time out and went abroad to China for a year. When I finally came back home, it was like getting my second wind.
I’m not saying just pack up and leave the country, but it may help you to just take a semester off and take a breather.</p>

<p>Maybe do an internship or take this chance to do something you otherwise couldn’t.</p>

thanks for your input!</p>