Withdrawing FA On a Waitlist... Helpful?

<p>SO... I got accepted into Choate, Peddie and some others, but I was waitlisted at ALL the schools in which I applied for FA:</p>


<p>How much difference were it to make if I were to stay on the waitlist and withdraw my FA? Because I have a feeling I was waitlisted because of my FA.</p>

<p>It can’t hurt to withdraw the FA request if you can afford it without FA. It does not mean you will be pulled from the wait list but it does remove one hurdle- meaning if they have a spot but no more fa money you could be called. Still I wouldn’t be too confident since wait lists are still a very long shot!</p>

<p>what your ssat and ecs look like</p>

<p>98% SSAT
Nice ECs - a little cliched Asian-American though (I’m your neighborhood stereotypical asian: Piano, Flute, Chess, Track, Math Team, Newspaper, Tennis and so on)</p>

<p>IDK, it doesn’t really matter. Withdrawing FA with obvious help, but at this moment, its not something we should all dwell too long upon.</p>

<p>I doubt it would help. they may wonder why you applied for fa in thhe first place.</p>

<p>They would wonder but the schools endowments have been cut too much for them to spend time thinking.</p>

<p>If you can do without it, yes take it out.</p>

<p>Well, a long story short, my family has run into a bit of money as so to afford the BS costs. I won’t go into details, but it’s not as if we’re deliberately applying for FA if we didn’t need it.</p>

<p>^ if you know you’re not going to attend a certain school - def. tell them that! There are lots of people waiting! g’ luck :)</p>

<p>It will very much help. I’m not saying it will get you off the list, but it will certainly help your chances of getting admitted if they go to the list.</p>