Women in engineering

<p>I was wondering if I should apply to the Hypatia community? If I don't will I have other female engineers around me? Do the female engineers tend to stick together? Thanks!</p>

<p>My daughter participated in Hypatia this year and enjoyed it well enough to become a mentor for next year. She has made wonderful friends through Hypatia and recieved a great deal of assistance through the mentoring and she has enjoyed the community service projects that she has become involved with. The academic advisor has been helpful as well. She has commented that some of the social requirements are lame and she doesn’t know anybody other than engineers but overall it has been a positive. I think it was particularly helpful to her because she was with like-minded serious students. She is not a partyer and her podmates, for the most part, were not either. That is not to say that no one in Hypatia partyed - just that there was a mix of kids and she was able to find a nice group of friends.</p>