Is joining an LLC worth it?

I recently got admitted into Hypatia (female engineering LLC) but I’ve been hearing/reading mixed reviews about LLC’s at VT. Most people say that if you want a true social experience you shouldn’t go for it, but if you want a lot of Engineering friends it’s beneficial. I want a mix of both of these things. Also, Hypatia is apparently kind of a nerdy LLC, not much of a social life, the building is far away from academics, and a bunch of other things. But I heard that it’s great having friends around for study groups. I also heard there’s an extra class you have to take (not sure exactly if this is the case for Hypatia although I heard these classes are easy).

Does anyone have any insight on LLC’s and know if it’s worth it to join? Also if we join can we opt out in the middle of the school year?

Thank you!

@sven17 I know a student who has been in Hypatia for 2 years (last year as a freshman and this year as a mentor). She didn’t seem to have any issues with socializing and making friends outside of engineering. If you’re concerned about being in something a little “nerdy” there are a ton of clubs you can join outside of the LLC. VT is a pretty friendly and welcoming place.

The support and ready-made study group dynamic of an LLC could be a real benefit (it was for the student I know). Keep in mind that most of the academic buildings are a hike from the residence halls, whether in an LLC or not. There is usually a fall and summer class for most if not all of the LLC’s. From what I can tell they are easy courses.

Cons? Those courses will take the place of free elective credits that you could otherwise take. Also, if Hypatia has welcome week activities that are only for the LLC members you may miss out on a couple of the campus wide activities during move in.

I can’t speak to the opt-out re: Hypatia, but I do know that in other LLC’s if you were to opt out then you would lose your housing assignment and be placed elsewhere.

Having the community, support, and social activities is a big bonus. Congrats on getting Hypatia - have fun :slight_smile:

@MYOS1634 thank you!

@ShenVal18 wow thank you for all that information! Especially the free elective thing, I never knew the LLC class would take it up. That’s a huge disadvantage as a double major.

@sven17 Yes, if you’re trying to minimize cost, length of study, and leave open some free electives then you need to get as much info as you can before you commit. Hypatia’s program manager (you should be able to find that info on the LLC site) should be able to confirm. The course(s) you have to take may be seminars, in which case they may only be 1 credit hour. (LLC’s my son and his friend are in are 3 credit hours).

Interesting to hear about the LLCs and some of the negatives. I have been a little concerned in my son didn’t want to do honors college or LLC. I have kinda agreed with him in that he just wants to start off college at his pace. But I was worried I should be pushing more for some of these programs. The more I see posts like above the more I think he is doing the right decision going in as a normal everyday student (and just focusing then on good grades).

I think everyone’s mileage will probably vary on the LLC thing. My S was disappointed that he couldn’t do some of the welcome week campus-wide activities because their LLC had team building activities that conflicted. But, he’s also established a really good relationship with his mentor and a few upper classmen members, and admits that he’s also benefitted from some of the concepts/coursework that he had to take.

As a parent, I think it was worthwhile for him. If you ask him, his answer would probably be “meh”. By graduation I think he will have a different perspective.

I got in to Thrive and Meraki. I’m kinda hesitating on whether I want to take part in one of them or not. & if so, which one.