<p>Dorms better at Scripps? I've not been there but it's hard, imo, to beat a Victorian house built in 1879 for sheer romanticism. Smith is usually in the top 2-3 in Princeton Review's "Dorms Like Palaces" ratings. Huh...just checked...Scripps is rated just one or two below them. I always stopped reading at "Smith College." :p)</p>
<p>I can't deny that distance is occasionally a pain. But trading the California bubble for the Smith bubble has some upsides.</p>
<p>D is in Park annex, and her room is spectacular, imo. I agree with td, it's both convenient, spacious and romantic. Moreover, it seems pretty easy to get singles at Smith if your D wants privacy.</p>
<p>At times the idea of respite seems really important, and sharing a bathroom has seemed her biggest concern, but on return from this trip she felt she could adjust. Any thoughts on whther I should be expecting/pushing for something more in depth at this point? Part of the issue is most of the kids at her school go on to small Christian schools ( even a kid with a 2340 SAT !), so there may be no inspirational talk. I only figured out this year that only Christian schools are invited to the schools "college fairs". Merit money would certainly help decide, although we are aiming a little lower for that.</p>
<p>It is relatively easy to get singles at Smith (a number of first-years have singles, as does D's BS roommate who transferred as a soph) - - but the balconies at Scripps . . . .</p>
<p>Probably splitting hairs since, as TD posted, both Scripps and Smith are always ranked near the top of PR's "Dorms Like Palaces" list. Truth is, I think D would have enjoyed 4 years in the Cali bubble (and boys just across the street, now that she's single).</p>