Women's Leadership Program Stats

Hey y’all! Thought we could start a thread for this, post accepted and rejected stats and help next years applicants out. Also, congrats to everyone else who was accepted! It’s gonna be a rocking year!

Women’s Leadership Program (International Politics cohort)

ACT: 32
GPA: 4.5
Lots of EC’s (including as President of 2 clubs) and I had good recs :slight_smile:

Decision: Accepted

SAT I (breakdown): 680 Math and 690 Reading (1370 total)
Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0): 3.96
Weighted GPA: 5.082
Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable): Top 10%
EXTRAAA: Instead of IB/AP, my school does dual enrollment at a local college. My GPA is high because I will graduate with about 36 college credits. I got As in every college class except 1.

Senior Year Course Load: Physics Honors, Senior Project (like a capstone project), Leadership through the Humanities (Dual, 1st sem), Prob and Stats (Dual, 1st sem), American Government (Dual, 1st sem), Macroeconomics (Dual, 2nd sem), Personal Finance (Dual, 2nd sem), and Interpersonal Communications (Dual, 2nd sem)

Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.): college where I take Dual at Dean’s List for 5 consecutive semesters, Jefferson Awards Foundation’s Certificate of Excellence, Ronald Reagan Student Leader Award, Junior Marshall for Class of 2018, Grant from South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control

Extracurriculars (place leadership in parenthesis):
Academic Team (Captain), Recycling Initiative (Founder and Leader), Red Cross Club, college where I take Dual at Honors Program, Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society, involved in church

Job/Work Experience: 2 summer internships at local Democratic party, art teacher’s assistant
Volunteer/Community service: regular volunteer at an arts center, regular volunteer for church’s community service and mission work, school required 50 per year service hours so I will graduate with 200+ hours
Summer Activities: 2 internships (shown above), church camp/missions, Girls State

Essays (rating 1-10): 8

Recommendations (rating 1-10): 8-9

Applied for Financial Aid?: YES pls give me money!
Intended Major: Intl Biz
State (if domestic applicant): SC
Country (if international applicant): USA
School Type: public charter
Ethnicity: white Hispanic (Colombian parents)
Income Bracket: middle middle-class, enough money for regular expenses but no money for college
Hooks (URM, first generation college, etc.): child of immigrants (but white), I think SC would be underrepresented in North Eastern schools prob (and I’m not from fancy school areas of SC)

Strengths: essays, academic, interview
Weaknesses: SAT (for South Carolina are great, but I can’t compete with Northeastern or West Coast education haha), maybe extracurriculars because none of them are incredibly fancy or nationwide recognizable (but I did the best I could with opportunities I had)

Wait I need to back up. I applied test optional! So my scores were not a factor!

How do you know your cohort? I got accepted into the program but I haven’t officially accepted it.

@aem197 Well, I knew from when I applied. But it’s not on my portal