<p>I don't have stellar stats, so I'm kinda worried about my chances.</p>
<p>GPA: 3.67 UW, 4.15 W (fairly rigorous workload; all of my classes this year are AP, and I've taken Honors courses all 4 years, but I still don't feel very good about my GPA)
SAT composite score: 2030 (670 M and CR, 690 W)
ACT: 33
AP World History score: 4
AP English Lang. score: 3
AP US History score: 4
Ethnicity: Korean
Location: So. Cal
ECs: was/am involved in various clubs such as Korean Culture club, French club, JSA, and Future Teachers. I was on the swim team in sophomore year. I have 150 hours in community service.
Essays: My English teacher, my counselor, and most of my friends liked my essay on my weight loss. I'm submitting various versions of this essay to all of the colleges below (I actually submitted my app to UoP already, but I'm still curious about my chances).</p>
<p>University of the Pacific (6-year pharmacy program)
University of Southern California
UC Irvine
UC San Diego</p>
<p>How are my chances of getting into these colleges? Thank you very much for your time! :)</p>
<p>i have trouble understanding how a 33 on the ACT is not considered a stellar stat ? If you could explain that to me it would be wonderful . Assuming you can't you first line claiming don't have stellar stats seems to be a bit contradictory to me ...</p>
<p>33 on the ACT is great. You have fairly competitive stats for the schools you want to apply to, but I recommend that you calculate your UC gpa (google search this and you will find a calculator on the UC website). If you have a UC GPA of 3.8 or better you should be pretty competitive, 4.0+ and you're in :)</p>
<p>Oh, thanks for the advice! :D I'm glad that my chances are pretty good; I have a 4.0 UC GPA. I wasn't so happy with my high school GPA, but I was happy with my ACT score. But now I'm pretty happy with my UC GPA as well. :) Thank you very much!</p>
<p>One more thing that I forgot to mention is that I’ve been studying Japanese on my own since 2005 and that I’ve been studying Mandarin since August of this year. Do these things help raise my chances?</p>