Wondering what my chances are after some bad luck

<p>Well, last semester I took World History AP. The teacher was incredibly subjective in her grading and as my political views conflicted with hers, I received a C in that class. I am 100% confident that I deserved an A in that class - my knowledge of the material was better than that of most of my fellow students and I just took the AP test and feel I likely received a 5. I was wondering, since I plan to aim high, how will this affect my chances? My other grades last semester were A, A, A, and A, with a weighted GPA of ~3.78.</p>

<p>For reference, here are my previous grades:</p>

<p>9th grade:
- English 9 (Accelerated): B (she wouldn't round a 92.96% to an A!)
- Health / Phys Ed: C
- Geometry 9 (considered accelerated): A
- Piano Class: A
- Algebra 2-10: B
- Cultural Geography (biased teacher as well): B
- Biology I Molecular (considered accelerated): B
- French II: A</p>

<p>10th grade:
- Precalculus: A
- World History AP: C
- Health: A
- Phys Ed: A
- Biology I Quantitative: A</p>

<p>I am currently in my second semester of 10th grade and am enrolled in (and here are what my grades will likely be, with a bit more work):
- Physics I Mechanics: A
- English 10 (Accelerated): A
- Chemistry I Quantitative: A
- Sociology & Anthropology: A
- French III: A</p>

<p>Next year, I have the following scheduled:
- Physics II Electricity & Magnetism
- Physics III AP
- Chemistry II AP
- French IV
- French V AP
- U.S. History AP
- English 11 AP
- Phys Ed</p>

<p>Could somebody please give me an analysis of what my close future will look like. I have had extremely bad luck, with 4 horrible teachers (Health, World History AP, Cultural Geography, and English 9), and I am extremely worried that this has destroyed any chances of good colleges. I plan on a lot of extracurriculars next year. I had several last year, as well as several this year. I also took the Calculus AP test and it looks like I will get a 3 - 4 on that (if it's anything but a 5 I am retaking it next year, as part of my Calculus BC AP test).</p>

<p>Any replies would be GREATLY appreciated. Thank you in advance!</p>

<p>Send in a note with your application packet explaining that C. It would really help if you got a 5 on the AP test. Although your story seems a little farfetch'd as I doubt an AP history teacher would do that. Just mke it believable on your note.</p>

<p>Everyone has difficult teachers. In your case I would say that getting A's in other AP classes next year will help a great deal. Having a C in the only one you have taken can say a lot. Focus on what you can do, not how you feel about past grades. Get great SATs, high AP scores and lots of As and many fine colleges will be interested as long as you're not counting on HYP.</p>

<p>Squrehead: I am 95% sure I got a 5 on the AP test, and I'l try the note thing. I don't know how farfethced this sounds but this woman was a hardcore feminist. Not that that matters to me, but when the teacher expressed her views in a class debate and I argued with her and she started giving me subjective grades on essays, that was unfair.</p>

<p>Zagat: What is "HYP"?</p>

<p>Harvard, Yale and Princeton.</p>