Woodlands UA room potentially available

<p>Plans have changed and son might have a room he is looking to sublet/lease transfer at Woodlands complex. 4 BR unit in a nice complex. He is just having a potential change in housing plans. The lease if for August 2014 to July 2015. PM me or reply on this thread if you are interested. Also, if you have any other ideas on getting this lease “assumed” by someone else, or other solutions you might know of–please share as well. I am sure I am not the first one in this situation.</p>

<p>Potential for other rooms in unit as well, but I am only focusing on our situation!</p>

<p>There is a reason the housing folks said not to sign a lease until late in the Spring semester…</p>

<p>Wishing you luck. Woodlands is a good complex. A friend of ours who got a co-op at Mercedes continued to live there. It was a great way for him to stay connected with his Bama friends while he was working. You may want to contact the co-op office to see if they have housing assistance for students that you could put your name on the list. </p>

<p>Thanks–great ideas. </p>