Woohoo got a C- in AP Physics

<p>after months of stressing out i found out that i finished first semester with a C- in Physics. some of you may have seen me worrying over this in some of my threads. A C- would still allow me to get into any UCs right just as long as they accept me?</p>

<p>As long as you still have an unweighted 3.0, I believe that is correct.</p>

<p>Thank goodness for you that you passed. C- is not going to affect your admissions (I had one last year =X) Good luck with the rest of your senior year and try not to let senioritis hit you again ;)</p>

<p>it has to be unweighted??</p>

<p>Sigh, its only unweighted if you matriculated to UCLA or UCBerkeley. For UCLA, its a 3.0 unweighted overall senior grade. For UCBerkeley, its a 3.0 unweighted per semester. All UCs require no Ds or Fs, although that would be an issue thats apparently taken case by case (ie. some people get off scotch free with a D or F, others aren't so lucky)</p>