<p>The website is undergoing technical difficulties due to heavy activity. This is really convenient so applicants, take advantage of it!</p>
<p>If only Yale would do the same?</p>
<p>Ha I was actually working on my MIT app and then it wouldn’t save my stuff cuz it froze. If only the CommonApp site would also do the same…</p>
<p>Smells like a ■■■■■…</p>
<p>[MIT</a> Admissions | Blog Entry: "MIT Regular Action Deadline Extended to January 3 "](<a href=“http://www.mitadmissions.org/topics/misc/miscellaneous/mit_regular_action_deadline_ex.shtml]MIT”>http://www.mitadmissions.org/topics/misc/miscellaneous/mit_regular_action_deadline_ex.shtml) </p>
<p>This is easy to confirm.</p>
<p>Actually Cornell extended it to Jan. 2 according to commonapplication, albeit it hasn’t been updated on collegeboard. I think it’s because the class of 2009 is the largest graduating class…</p>
<p>you are not telling me the best Tech school in the world have technical difficulties too, are you?:)</p>