Wordle Today - No Spoilers Please (Part 1)

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In 4 today. H got it in 3, while D took 5. Interesting that there really is no predictable pattern in our results. We average out to getting it in 3/4 for the four of us.

Tough today:
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His method optimizes for getting the correct answer in three, but he’ll never get it in two. Only a math guy would think that way!

As far as I know only Rex Parker hates the word moist!

Wordle 237 4/6*


My Wordle has migrated to New York Times today (history ported). Same for all? It was still free, and I assume not because I have an online NYT subscription.

Wordle 926 5/6*


I liked the symmetry in this pattern. Maybe the next-level challenge is deliberate Wordle art?


I’m joining the Phew crowd today, and keeping my status as a D+ grade guesser from the third word down.

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6 out of 6 here too.


Everyone is jumping into the act

my wordle art is full Jackson Pollock…

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My Wordle also migrated to NY Times today, and the progress reset so that all past games were lost. Also, I couldn’t load the Times page on my usual browser (Safari) and had to switch to Chrome. I thought it might have something to do with my NY Times Games subscription, but when I went to that page Wordle wasn’t there.

I did Wordle for the first time today. On my 3rd try, I got all five letters correct-but not the correct word! Got it on the 4th line.


I wonder how often it ever happens that you get all five letters correct, but it’s still not the correct word!

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LOL, just got switched to the NYT feed and luckily remembered today’s answer from earlier.

My first and only correct first guess!