Work Experience Questionnnn

<p>I've been on street teams and eteams for a couple of bands- is this something that I should include on my application? Perhaps under work experience or something...?</p>

<p>You could include it in a variety of ways really.......certainly you must have a passion for it or you wouldn't have been able to do it? Is that correct?</p>

<p>Yeahh we promote the bands and stuff, and it's a really fun time. I just wasn't sure how I should incorporate it into the application, or if I should at all.</p>

<p>Are you proud of what you did? I suggest you probably have a great couple of stories and can show how much you have learned/contributed. Go for it. This sounds to me like part of who you are.....a tell us about yourself kind of essay.</p>

<p>Awesome, yeah that sounds like a good idea. It is definitely one of my greater interests and I think it might make for a good essay.
thank you so much for taking the time to reply</p>