<p>Hey, for the work study at penn, do you only get paid the financial aid amount or do you also get an hourly pay for daily money use? I know some colleges actually give you money for aid AND pay you on top of that. Just wondering if penn does the same.</p>
<p>100% of your work-study pay goes to you and you can spend it at your discretion. However, Penn deducts that from your financial aid. It screws students over. You can’t really spend your work study on anything but Penn tuition unless you’re going to cover your work study money in another way.
And, you can’t get a job that you can use for personal expenses unless you go out of your way to get a second non-work study job.</p>
<p>wuts the best way to make sum extra cash tere then? just 2 spend</p>
<p>I found a non work-study job. And I hated it and quit. I like doing studies for money. Try the Wharton Behavioral Lab.</p>