Working at boy scout summer camp

<p>My son is thinking of taking a staff position at a Boy Scout camp next summer -- any thoughts? Do the kids usually enjoy the experience? What is the pay like? Is it hard to get a decent position (I don't think he wants to work in the trading post or food service).</p>

<p>My D attended residential girl scout camp for 10 years, the last two as counselor in training. Loved it. This year she is a counselor at $43/day. You have to be 18.</p>

<p>Thanks for the info -- He will be 15, turning 16 next summer. He has found a few scout camps that employ scouts who are 15. usually he goes to different programs during the summer (CTD, spanish camp, travel, etc) but I am thinking he might enjoy working at scout camp and get alot out of the responsiblity.</p>

<p>Do they have a counselor in training program? We had to pay for her to attend, but it was a good experience.</p>

<p>They do have a CIT program at the local summer camp -- but it is just one week and I honestly think he is past that. He will be turning 16 during the summer, but he has done so many summer programs, held significant leadership positions (both in scouts, school and community organizations), tons of camping experience (will spend 3 weeks on a barrier island in Georgia doing conservation work for SCA this summer). Compared to most other scouts his age, he just has alot more experience and maturity than the other kids.</p>

<p>He is looking at applying for a staff position at the summer camp near where my parents live -- he has been to that camp and they would be close by to drop him off, visit, etc.</p>

<p>Wow! That sounds good! Girl Scouts does "Lead On!" for eigth graders, Pre-CIT for ninth grade , Advanced CIT, I think three weeks for 10th graders, then apprentice or something like that when you are 17. My D left yesterday to begin ANOTHER 10 days training before she actually starts as a counselor. Most of her peers are older and from overseas. Good luck to your son!</p>

<p>You should check now on what kind of paid positions he would be eligible for if he is 15 at the start of summer. It might be that there are paid positions available for 15-year-olds but they are as groundskeepers or kitchen helpers.</p>

<p>At the camps I am familiar with (Girl Scout, YMCA, and private), paid positions with leadership responsibilities aren't available to 15 year olds. Maybe Boy Scouts are better at recognizing that an experienced 15 year old can take on a lot.</p>

<p>he is checking on that now -- and emailing to confirm what the website info shows. It looks like 15 year old can teach some merit badge classes, work in the aquatic areas and shooting areas, plus act as assistants in many other areas -- so it does look like there are options besides food service.</p>

<p>I am just guessing that scout experience and rank, combined with other experiences and how early you get your application in will help in getting the better positions.</p>

<p>That's great.</p>

<p>for anyone else who falls on this thread, yes Boy scouts can staff as young as 14 years old in camp, assuming they have maturity.</p>

<p>Pay is never great, and not the point, i got $300 for 13 hour workdays for 2 months, but was very valuable experience, and something to think about seeing camp from different perspective,</p>

<p>Alright I have been working at Boy Scout Camp for the past 2 summers. I can tell you personally that the experiences are GREAT, you make an impact in the lives of many scouts. They hire at 14 for the CIT program, this age is a national standard. Once you hit 15 you can get paid maybe around $77 a week on average for a first year staffer where I live, normally 15 year olds can work in program areas as instructors, or the kitchen as dining hall staff. </p>

<p>So yes, It is an awesome experience. If your son doesnt mind being away from home for 6 days a week and spending a few hours home every week I would highly recommend </p>
