Workload at Boston University compared to high school? (SMG Students preferrably)

<p>For current students, how would you compare your workload at BU compared to say your junior or senior year? Also please state how rigorous your course is if possible.</p>


<p>well…i think it really all depends on the person… you’ll find that you change your study habits and might not end up working as hard in college than you did in HS just because there are a lot more fun things to do when you aren’t bound to your house. </p>

<p>but i guess the course work load isn’t too bad. you have semester long projects so that’s always going to be on your mind and team meetings become a part of your weekly schedule. the hardest part i think is just finding the time to balance your 4 classes. some weeks everything will be due from papers to small presentations and other weeks will have nothing.</p>

<p>I personally don’t think that smg is super demanding as it is right now but that’s because i’m not a procrastinator. just don’t put your work off and you should be fine. it’ll save you a lot of stress too. i know some people who stay up till 4 in the morning. the nice part about college is that you usually get your assignments a good week in advance so you can plan accordingly.</p>

<p>hope that helped a little bit</p>

<p>Ah I see, are you a freshman at the moment? It’d be nice to have more free time since I have 5 AP classes atm >_></p>

<p>My kids’ experiences have been that there is less and more. Less in the sense that you have fewer classes and no make-work like taking notes for AP. More in the sense that they will test you on stuff and it’s up to you to know the material. Less in the sense of fewer assignments and more in the sense that papers will take more effort because quality is more important at each level. That said, my kids did very well and had no issue taking 5 classes a term. </p>

<p>And workload in science, particularly in engineering, is totally different. It also tends to be higher in CFA or any arts school because there is no end to those assignments. I would also say higher level languages which require translation - as opposed to conversation - can eat time.</p>