Workload at Stevens

Hi, We visited Stevens last weekend. My son liked everything except the workload. He will be majoring in Engineering Management. When we checked the curriculum, there will be 17-20 credits for each semester. Term 1, he will take General Chemistry, Chemistry lab, Differential Calculus and Integral Calculus, Engineering Graphics, Engineering Design I, Intro to Programming, Writing and Communication. Current Engineering students/parents, do you feel overwhelmed? Are you able to have a normal life while taking these many courses? I think his concerns are valid. Could you shed some light on the workload ? Thanks!

My son had a engineering roommate the first two years at Stevens. He was a pinnacle scholar. He did have an extraordinary work load, however, he still maintained a 3.8-3.9 average and worked part time. He also got an internship without a problem and was not in co-op. It’s a great school and highly regarded in the industry. That truly is one of the best selling points of Stevens. It’s hard, but they prepare you well!

Most everyone at Stevens takes 17-20 credits a semester. An Engineering Management major takes all the same classes as an engineer up until junior year. Although it is hard, it is very manageable and you are definitely able to have a social life. The work comes in waves; maybe 2 weeks out of a semester, everyone is super busy. I would say it is equivalent to junior year at a competitive high school. For the classes listed above, graphics and intro to programming are an automatic A. Cal (writing and communication) and Design are fairly easy, guaranteed above a B. The hardest classes are the sciences and maths. Per semester, there is always two easy classes, two mediums, and two hards…