I was accepted to UC Davis under TAG for Fall 2018. This semester, things have been going pretty terribly. I received a D in one of my courses, & I think I am going to get a C in another course. This would put my cumulative GPA at 3.1 , and under my TAG contract it says I have to maintain a 3.2 and pass all courses with a C or better.
The course I got a D in is not an IGETC course, and it is not required for my major. I would still have 60 units without it.
I called admissions and they told me they would not be able to tell me about my status until all my Spring 2018 grades are in, which won’t be until June 7th.
I plan on retaking the course during the summer, and I’m praying Davis won’t rescind me for failing and having a GPA that is lower than a 3.2.
Has anyone been in a similar situation? Any thoughts/advice?
Since UCD spelled out your provisional admission requirements, I think you should prepare to have a backup plan just in case. Schools do not like to rescind and they will evaluate based on your specific case, but if your final grade is a D and your final GPA is less than 3.2, then you do not meet the TAG requirements.
Hopefully they will let you makeup the course this summer.
Thanks so much for your input
I just called admissions, and they told me my GPA must stay above a 2.8, which it definitely will. Hoping this helps my case.
When I applied to Davis, I had a 4.0, and even right now my cumulative GPA is a 3.8. This semester things got really rough because of a death in my family. Hoping they will recognize my hard work for all the other terms and allow me to retake it during the summer.
If I do get rescinded, I plan to apply again in the fall. My GPA would probably be around a 3.7. Would I still have a good chance at being accepted again?
Not only will it disqualify you for TAG as gumbymom said, the D could also get you rescinded when regular admission looks at it. Since you have a high GPA and this is a huge downturn, you need to explain a reason. The high GPA is definitely in your favor. Try for a C- and keep us posted. Good luck!
After updating my grade report once I received my spring semester grades, I heard from UC Davis! They responded the next day and told me that they would make an exception despite me receiving a D. So happy 
I should mentioned that my cumulative GPA (from all my terms at community college) ended up being a 3.65, not a 3.1 (I miscalculated it). My GPA for the semester was a 3.0.