Hi all…
SAT scores came back today, and I am starting to panic. On my first try, I got a 2260 (CR:730, M: 740, W:790). I took it again because I heard that colleges take the writing scores with a grain of salt, and therefore I wanted to improve my Math and Critical Reading Scores. On my second try, I got a 2180 (CR: 720, M: 720, W: 740).
Should I take it again? I really want to get above a 2300, and I am considering giving it another shot, but my only apprehension is that the colleges that I want to apply to (e.g. Stanford and Yale) don’t allow score choice.
If I hypothetically did worse on my third SAT, would that look very bad to colleges that require all scores?
I studied so much for the SAT, so I am quite disappointed and very worried…
for what it’s worth, I had to send an 1980 SAT to stanford because of score choice and I still got in.