<p>oh! and then my beraters (haha i don't think that's a word) told me that i don't need to feel bad for starving african children because they don't even KNOW that there are people living like we do in the world.</p>
<p>can't quite comprehend that logic..</p>
<p>yea im not going to start bawling because i didnt make an A on a French practice exercise when I already have an A average in there. but she went on this whole rampage directed straight at me in front of my whole class on saying how i m not even trying in the class and that i don't care about the french ap at all. uh... french ap is one of the ap's that i REALLy care about. god i hate how she assumes things. i want to go up to her and seroiusly tell her up front that shes wrong and shes old and senile and should ****ing retire.
i plan on writing my english extra credit paper on satire over my french teacher and her hazardous effects to the mental healths of the general mankind.</p>
<p>and i hate illogical people too. i hate when just whatever they say is contradictory or doesnt make sense at all . but they keep driving the point that they're right. so apparently my french teacher seems to hate me because i keep proving her wrong but she wont admit shes wrong. please i just want to hear her say "sorry i was wrong" before i graduate from high school.</p>
<p>hahah i loooove my french IV class..it's ridiculously easy. our classes are 1.5 hours long, but we only spend about 45 minutes doing work and use the rest as study hall/nap time. also, say we have a 10-question quiz. if you miss one question, you get a 99, two a 98, and so on..</p>
<p>my french 4 last year was so awesome. we did basically the EXACT same thing that one of the uchicago classes were doing when i visited last wekend.
but wow my french 5 class sucks. its alll stuipd busy work that's like french 2 level. and my teacher spends about 30 minutes of class wasting time talking about her idioticness . all in english too.
and then we just have 20 minutes of class left and she gets all mad at us that we are running out of time and that we're all going to fail the ap. well gee i wonder why.</p>
<p>yeah..i love that french is a slack class, but i know i won't be prepared for the AP test next year, even after having taking french V and AP..</p>
<p>Sometimes for me, it's not the insult that hurts the most...it's the fact that certain "friends" stand there and (a) say nothing & act like nothing is wrong, (b) make a half-a** attempt to scold offending person but screw it up by being completely unserious...</p>
<p>It really does hurt especially when I defended said friend from the brief anti-Muslim frenzy that occured at our middle school shortly after Sept. 11.</p>
<p>Well, when I was in seventh grade one of my old 'friends' told me to f*** a book, just because I was smarter than she was. I know, not very nice...:p.</p>
<p>^^that's a good one</p>