Worst Year of My Life

<p>Heres the break down: Sophomore year was horrible. I received my first C (in pre-calc) and I received a referral because my teacher accussed me of plagiarism when I honestly didn't. Sophomore year tarnished my flawless schedule. I still manage to have a 3.92 GPA though and I am ranked 25 out of 556. Could I still get into top tier schools? Is this horrible?</p>

<p>Let me just say, if this really is the worst year of your life, then you’ve had a good life.</p>

<p>No, you did not blow your chances. No, it’s not entirely horrible. Suck it up and move on and do better in Calc.</p>

<p>doesn’t sound to horrible, no? once you look back your years… at least you arn’t faced with the prospect of having to lose your home or trying to manage other troubles, family or financially… at least you are focused on your academics without having to juggle with other chicken*****…</p>

<p>top tier schools is possible for you: should they ask for why about the referral, you can explain. i doubt a C is all that bad: look! you even have the luxury of another year to improve on yourself! just reflect back on what you did wrong and correct it. (well, not the referral-it was out of your hands. :frowning: goddamn that teacher.)</p>

<p>yea, it’s not that terrible. in fact, junior year is the most important year, when colleges look at it. in fact, it;ll look even better to improve your gpa drastically in your junior year</p>

<p>we understand your frustration. Be resilient, don’t dwell into the anguish of your junior year. ;)</p>

<p>It was the worst year of my life besides grades. I have family problems at home such as my dad cheated on my mom and so on…so the year as a whole as been crappy…seeing as this was a school related question, I just left that part out</p>

<p>also thanks for the advice hairy lemon</p>

<p>" 3.92 GPA"</p>

<p>This is a solid, by solid I mean pretty much 4.0, GPA.</p>



<p>oh. :\ i apologize about assuming too soon about your position. eh, i understand how it feels to deal with family woes while simultaneously trying to tackle those classes.</p>

<p>it just plain sucks. :(</p>

<p>stay resilient. you future is in your hands (something i did not realize until a year too late… im in my senior year. :() </p>

<p>one more year! make the most out of your junior year. ;)</p>


<p>Oh noes! A 3.92?!? You should start looking at your state universities.</p>

<p>OMG did you say 3.92? Yeah I’d be looking at community colleges right about now if I were you</p>

<p>Jspencer… I <3 Jesse Spencer! You’ll be fine. : )</p>

<p>At least you have a Dad</p>

<p>nah, your grades are fine for top schools. :)</p>

<p>Your GPA is still solid, but the referral really sucks :[ Maybe you could try explaining it in your application.</p>

<p>thanks everyone and hairy its alrite</p>

<p>wow. those are some nice grades by any standard.</p>

<p>too bad on the family thing.</p>

<p>I have friends at top 25 private schools with Cs on the transcript. You’ll survive. Hope the other stuff in your life gets sorted out though. That stuff sucks.</p>

<p>We’re teenagers, we’re supposed to be melodramatic.</p>

<p>I would suspect that many of you have complained about or thought about having “the worst” day/week/year ever. Yes, there will always be people worse off. That doesn’t mean the person doesn’t deserve a little sympathy.</p>

<p>thank you for that post</p>