<p>My GPA is terrible, 2.5.
There are factors that played into that, but nothing I feel comfortable going into.
I'm an African-American female and I have lived in the US for 13 years (originally from East Africa).
I got a 2030 my first time on the SAT,
a 2100 my second time
28 on the ACT, thinking about retaking as standby on Saturday.</p>
<p>Active in theater,
did band for 9th grade
writer of an annual cultural show at my school from 9-11 grade
organizing and producing the show this year
organized a social activism event in the summer
volunteered at a nursing home for about 7 months
have been working 15-30 hours per week at Target for 2 years now (since turning 16)
National Merit Commended Student
National Achievement Semi-finalist</p>
<p>So... what are my chances at:
Boston University (first choice):
UMass Boston:
University of Minnesota:
Simmons College:
Coe College:
UMass Amherst:
Temple University:
College of St. Catherine (MN):</p>
<p>I think you've got a great shot at all of those schools. BU is probably going to be the toughest to get into but I know plenty of normal people who have gotten in.</p>
<p>You 2100's bangin' and colleges love national merit. I'd say BU is a "match" as they say on this site.</p>
<p>I could be wrong, but I would hope that working 15-30 hours a week concurrently with school would qualify the 2.5 to some extent. Don't worry, you've formulated a very reasonable list and BU is FAR from a fantasy school for you.</p>
<p>Thanks! I actually do see BU as something of a "dream school"; just looking at their averages, compared to mine.</p>
<p>Anyone else have any idea if any of these schools qualify as a "safety"?
I can use all the advise, educated guesses, and fortune telling I can get:-/.</p>
<p>[Forgot to mention: AP US History test: 3, AP Psych test:5
Taking 3, possibly 4, more this year: Government and Politics: United States, English Literature, English Language, and maybe Stats
Also, I live in Minnesota, so I'm an out-of-state applicant to UMass]</p>