Would 4 AP classes be too much?

Hi all,
I am planning to take AP Lang, AP Physics 1, AP Calculus AB, and AP Computer Science A for junior year. Is this too much for the workload?

Nobody here knows you and what you are capable of, but in general, high performing students have no trouble with 4 AP classes in their junior and senior years. The workload, however, is partially dependent upon the teacher, so you should solicit some feedback from current students.

I would say that none of those APs listed fall into the category of super hard, so assuming you are an A student, you should be ok.

The classes with high workload and/or difficulty that you have to do some thinking about taking together would be AP Physics C / AP Chem / AP Bio, and to a large degree AP Calc BC (the one that covers Calc at the same speed as in college) and AP Eng Lit.

ap lang def has a high workload. We do in class essays every week and have to revise them as a large portion of our grade. AP CS does not have a large workload ( in my case). The class starts off at a slow pace, but if you watch any intro video on youtube about Java, you’ve basically covered half the class. Ap calc, standard homework and workload. Ap physics, our class has optional homework (I never do any of it and end up cramming the night before - this strat works well if you can focus easily without distractions)