<p>depends on what you were arrested for and if there were charges filed…?</p>
<p>if you killed somebody, well…it doesn’t look too good.</p>
<p>underage drinking</p>
<p>for example</p>
<p>definitely. especially at cornell. my friend was recently in the situation that you’ve described; he had been accepted at cornell early decision, and he was arrested for underage drinking. cornell informed him (via snail-mail and via telephone) that his admission would be rescinded, and that he would not be able to reapply for admission at cornell.</p>
<p>^ owned. crystalgeyser: did this happen to you? lawl sorry if it did…</p>
<p>Please drink responsibly.</p>
<p>Most likely yes…</p>
<p>how did cornell find out…</p>
<p>It may depend on whether your high school reports you since a person broke the law for vandalism and getting into a fight, which resulted in him assaulting a person. My school decided not to report the case to his colleges, since he was the big shot which is also bull, but nonetheless his colleges never found out about the incident since my high school never reported it to his school.</p>
<p>Yeah, a friend of mine was caught drinking ON CAMPUS at a basketball game and was let off with basically a slap on the wrist because he is our star cross country runner. (He really is, one of if not the best in the state actually) On the other hand, another friend of mine got kicked out because of a disciplinary record that consisted of being late to school, parking outside of the designated area, and not having his shirt tucked in. Gotta love the fairness here.</p>
<p>Yup my school is required to report any arrest’s on transcripts (it doesnt release your discipline record except if your arrested/suspended/expelled) if I recall so Id say your screwed. Genius move getting caught in your senior year, take it to the woods next time.</p>
<p>No, you won’t be rescinded for drinking. Considering a huge percentage of the student population at Cornell drinks on a weekly basis, I can’t see how they could use that against you that seriously.</p>
<p>If it was something like shoplifting, assault, drug distribution, etc, then I’d be worried.</p>
<p>i don’t know, man. that’s a pretty grim situation – try to not let cornell find out in any way.</p>
<p>If it happened on school grounds your toast because it will be included on the mid year.</p>
<p>a friend of mine was caught with incriminating pictures on facebook (off school-grounds) and had to write a formal explanation but they didnt rescind admission @ Wash U last year</p>
<p>Don’t listen to brofessor - He’s ■■■■■■■■ the forums.
In my opinion, you possibly aren’t going to be right up and rescinded. With your underaged drinking, and with our society that it is today, it’s probably going to be turned a blind eye.
Now here’s the thing, you are closer to the ledge, that means you can’t screw up again; and that was dumb drinking anyways.
So just keep your mind clear, and wait til you’re in college to drink.
There are worse crimes that could get your rescinded and make you look more irresponsible like DUI or Assault.</p>
<p>it depends on a lot of things really… if your school feels as if they should report the incident to your colleges then yeah you might be a little screwed… most likely they wont because most high schools dont want their students to be rescinded that would make them look bad as well… they will probably only send it if they feel like it or are required to by state or local laws… if the cop arrested you and wrote you a citation you would have to see a judge and work something out with the prosecutor to see the severity of your charge… again nothing usually happens if you were at a party or something… if u were drinking and driving thats a different story… again it depends on a lot of things… i would first try to get the charges nullified if possible or plea guilty to a lesser charge or something… gluck</p>
<p>just one more thing… remember you arent being charged with murder your being charged with underage drinking</p>
<p>OP - were you admitted ED to Cornell? You have not withdraw your application from PSU yet? You could be rescinded for that.</p>
<p>I would speak with your GC to see if it would be reported to Cornell. If so, I would write an email to Cornell to let them know what happened, let them know how you are sorry for what you did (no excuses).</p>