Hey! So I’m currently a senior in high school in Atlanta, Georgia. I will be attending college right after. Most likely University of West Georgia or Kennesaw State. I know to qualify for in state tuition in georgia you must have lived at least 12 months in Georgia. It will be exactly 12 months this upcoming October 31st! But the thing is, I am classified as homeless. Me & my mom moved and was staying in hotel & then we went into a shelter I was still able to get in school by being classifed as a homeless student. We live with someone else at the moment. Neither does me or my mom have any Georgia Id or License. My mom still has her license in Florida. I will be getting mine soon. However, I know to get in state tuition you must provide a bunch of paper work to prove your a resident of Georgia. Would this affect me since we don’t have our own place, my mom taxes were filed from Florida? I am going to fill out the FAFSA October 1st. I really hope I am able to get in state tuition!
Contact these two colleges and ask them about your situation.
First thing on Monday, ask the Administration who your Coordinator is. This is the person who coordinates things for homeless teens and will be able to certify you’ve been enrolled since October 2015. If you’re already “registered”, they would be able to certify your presenc in Georgia for the time you’re looking at.
Would you qualify for HOPE? Zell Miller?
Agnes Scott has a special deal for HOPE students, look into it if you’re a girl (excellent school).
In state tuition policy varies with schools even within the same state. You do need to check with each school. Some school would grant in-state tuition eligibility for students graduated from a HS in state.
Every school has a McKinney Vento Liaison who works at the school to assist students who are in transitional housing.
The McKinney Vento Liaison will provide any documentation that you need regarding your enrollment at school an documenting your status as a student in transitional housing. Most of the time the school Liaison is a guidance counselor, social worker or administrator. They will work with your GC also to make sure that you receive fee waivers for testing and applications. Also make sure that you submit your forms for reduced/free lunch.