<p>I've either accomplished or am on my way to achieving most of the things mentioned. Imagine that I have achieved everything mentioned (these are realistic goals for me). The point of this for me is to know whether I'm on the right path to achieve my bigger goal (Yale)</p>
<p>Race: Caucasian
Religion: Jewish
Background: 2nd generation Moroccan, 4th gen. Russian
School: Public, CT, around 2,300 students, sends some to top schools
(Random facts) Dad's a foreigner, parents are divorced, struggled w/ depression freshman & some of sophomore year</p>
<p>Stats: (Upward trend)
Freshman UW GPA: 3.4 - 2 Honors classes
Sophomore UW GPA: 3.7 - All Honors
Junior UW GPA: 4.0 - 3 AP's, the rest H's
Senior UW GPA: 4.0 - 4 AP's</p>
<p>SAT I: CR: 800 M: 710 W: 760
SAT II: Lit:800 US Hist:800 Spanish: 770
AP's: Lit: 5 US Hist: 5 Psych: 5</p>
<p>EC's: Writing, Literary & Arts magazine, 3 yrs, (Co Editor-in-chief) Sr yr. (National creative writing [non fiction] award) (Regional poetry award) (Regional playwriting award)
Environment, Environmental Club, 4 yrs (President) Sr yr. (Started a nonprofit), (organized my city's 1st Earth Day Fair), (youngest member of EPB of my city), (Spearheaded a community recycling initiative) International/social issues, Amnesty International, 2 yrs (Founder & President) (Organized a benefit)</p>
<p>Volunteerism: Volunteer almost every Sunday & member of Teen Board, special friend to special needs children ages 2-18, 3 yrs, Northwestern volunteer trip over spring break</p>
<p>Work experience:
Waitress, Started my own translation service in my area for native Spanish speakers- very low cost so it's affordable for them (throughout jr & sr summers/yrs)</p>
<p>Summer activities:
Unpaid intern at TV. production company (summer going into soph)
2 weeks at Brown Leadership Institute, class on entrepreneurship for social change <a href="summer%20going%20into%20jr">My teacher served a mentor for me & helped me develop my business plan further for my nonprofit</a>
Unpaid intern at environmental NGO (summer going into jr)
Local Spanish classes (summers going into jr & sr)
Young Writers Workshop (summer going into sr)
Film program (summer going into sr)</p>
<p>Hobbies: Reading, writing, traveling, guitar, ballet, my fashion/photography blog</p>
<p>Other: Contender for my city's citizenship award (awarded to 6 seniors/yr out of about 2,000)</p>