Would it benefit me to take this class even though it has nothing to do with my goals?

Basically up until this summer I thought I really wanted to go into finance.This summer I volunteered at the hospital and fell in love with the nursing career.My ultimate goal is to become a neonatal nurse but for now it is to become a normal nurse.Anyway I originally only signed up for one AP class which was AP gov.I was not able to switch into AP Bio or AP Chem which i know would be more competitive for college.I switched my elective to anatomy to try to make up for the lack of AP classes I am taking as a junior.I am currently in AP Gov and this class is hard work and extremely stressful.Is it necessary to take this class because I want nothing to do with politics when I am older.But I feel like if I don’t take any AP classes than I wont be able to get into college.So basically do you think I should drop AP Gov which would allow me to spend more time volunteering and be way less stressed out or stick with it because it is my only AP class?Please answer as soon as possible if you think you would be of any help!

It depends on where you live and where you want to go to college. The more selective schools will want to see some APs if the high school offers them. However, you can get into some colleges’ nursing programs without them. Can you take AP Bio and/or AP Chem next year? My son, who graduated this June, had only one AP (APUSH) and was admitted to a nursing program at one of our state (PA) universities. However, he didn’t apply to any highly selective programs.

Can you switch to AP or honors Stats? Stats is often a required class for nursing. Or an honors psychology class, which is also often required as part of a nursing curriculum? Certainly bio and anatomy are most useful, following by chemistry. I agree with the post above that highly selective colleges expect many APs, but most colleges do not.