Would like help choosing a university

It is near the point where I must choose what college I will be going to. Currently I’m locked between 3 universities:
UC Irvine, UC Davis, and CSULB. I am majoring in Computer Science and don’t know which school would provide a better education. The primary issue that I’m facing is that I live in LA and would essentially like to stay in Los Angeles which is why my primary choice at the moment is Long Beach. Can I please get some insights?

Thank You

Will you be commuting to Long Beach? Is price an issue? UCI is an hour or two from much of LA depending on traffic. Its computer science culture (think Hackathons, talks by famous speakers, funding for conferences, etc) is extremely robust and there are plentiful opportunities to get involved with undergraduate research should you choose to do so.

Why is that your primary criterion?
You have to be flexible with location if it brings better opportunities.
(Unless you’re caring for an ailing mother, have a child…)
UCI and UCD will both have better funding, hence better facilities, resources, and opportunities than LB. They’re residential campuses, which means everyone will be out of their comfort zone, growing together. The caliber of your peers will push you.
As to UCI vs. UCD, one is glitzier and SoCal, the other is down-to-earth and NoCal. Choose based on your personality and do great! :slight_smile:

@whenhen Price is not that much of an issue and commuting to Long Beach would be definitely a lot easier than Irvine so I am taking that into account. Also there are definitely a lot more opportunities at Irvine. Do you think that choosing Long Beach would hinder a lot of opportunities?

Are you planning on commuting to either UCI or Cal State Long Beach?