<p>I would appreciate it if you could grade this essay. Thank you in advance for your time!</p>
<p>Prompt: Do people accomplish more when they are allowed to do things in their own way?</p>
<p>Was it not through idle accident that Alexander Flemming discovered penicillin, a life-saving anti-biotic that doctors today still rely on to save lives? Was it not through a somewhat delinquent adolescence and an aversion to conformity that Albert Einstein conceived his revolutionary theory of relativity?</p>
<p>To completely structure is to completely stifle. To me, it is clear that people do indeed accomplish more when they are allowed to do things in their own, original way. Imagine if Mozart had chosen to conform to the musical style of his peers and never produced the pivotal and influential melodies that he did. Imagine if Van Gogh never developed his own unique style of impressionist painting, because he feared doing things the way he wanted. In my opinion, art will never accomplish anything, and neither will artists, if it is stifled by the structure of someone elses regime; In order to accomplish, it is vital that artists are allowed free reign.</p>
<p>This, I believe, is a concept that is ubiquitous across many spheres of accomplishments. It rings true particularly for science, a field that requires a great deal more innovation and lateral thinking than is often realised. How is a scientist meant to become successful if they are trapped in the stale cycle of a structure? If scientists were disallowed from doing things in a manner they thought appropriate, nothing would ever be accomplished-all we would be left with would be repeat discoveries, boredom, a lack of intelligent thought and a generation deprived of ingenuity.</p>