Hi! I’m really, really, really hoping to get into UCLA or Berkeley. Statistically, I’m fairly sound. EC- and essay-wise, I’m not too sure. I’ve always loved writing and have performed well on writing-related exams (AP Lang test, SAT Writing and CR), but I’m not sure about this topic. I don’t want to sound irresponsible or like a slacker or anything, but I just got home from a concert where I thought of an essay idea.
So, without further ado, this is the topic: crowdsurfing. Basically, I want to detail how I felt the first time I crowdsurfed at my very first show and explain how my passion for the arts, even though I’m not very artistic, has expanded as a result of that fateful first show. Something along those lines. I just don’t want my essay readers at my dream schools to get the wrong idea! I want them to be impressed by me, but I’m paranoid that this won’t do it :-(. My other essay for the same prompt is about being yearbook editor, which I’m sure is kind of trite. Would my concert/crowdsurfing essay be acceptable, provided it fits the prompt? Should I save it for the schools that I probably won’t get into anyways? Or should I scrap it altogether? Thanks :-).