<p>For the UC Prompt #1 (Describe the world you come from — for example, your family, community or school — and tell us how your world has shaped your dreams and aspirations.), would it be a bad idea to write about concerts/Hollywood events? As a socal resident, I have always enjoyed going to concerts and "Hollywood events" such as the Teen Choice Awards, premieres, etc. for the past 5-7 years of my life and I'd say that it's definitely party of my "world." The entertainment industry, social network, and media have always interested me, and I think I'd like to pursue a career in the entertainment industry... What career exactly? That I'm not currently sure of, but definitely nothing like a singer, actor, etc. as that's a whole different story. I was thinking more of the business/marketing side of it maybe... </p>
<p>I was thinking that it would be a unique topic compared to my other option - family. Should I take a whack at it? I was afraid that talking about it might make me seem superficial or something. :/ I have talked to my friends about this topic but they're unsure of it also. Thus, I thought it would've been a good idea for me to ask here and get some input... If you guys could give me some of your honest opinions, I would really appreciate it since the deadline is in a week. Thanks so much!</p>
<p>Also, I was concerned that if I wrote about this topic, would UCI, UCLA, UCSB, UCSD not want to accept me? I mean, what if they think that their college is not "fit" for going into the entertainment industry or something? :/ For the most part, I have applied as an undeclared/undeclared social science/business for the UCs.</p>