<p>Let's say you take the SAT 3 times:
1st - 2000, 800 M 600 CR 600 Wr
2nd - 2200, 750 M 700 CR 750 Wr
3rd - 2200, 750 M 750 CR 700 Wr</p>
<p>Dominating in math the first time, writing the second, and critical reading the third. Would it look bad that the highest scores of each section were at different sittings? Because that's how I feel right now. I already made my 800 M in March, and I'm pretty sure I can do really well in Writing in June. And then in October I SHOULD be ready for Critical Reading as I can spend more time studying vocab which is the part that knocks me up.</p>
<p>Try to do everything at once. Some colleges superscore but others don’t and the admissions officers at those colleges will see what you are trying to do (mostly because this plan is not new). I recommend at most taking the SAT twice because 3 test scores start to annoy admissions officers.</p>
<p>Well yeah twice would be nice but three times would be the limit for me anyways. But thanks, it makes sense</p>
<p>Tbh if you can get 800 in math first and think you can get 750 in writing it doesnt take too much effort to pull it off again
800-> 750 math is 2-3 questions and 750-> 700 writing is about 2 points on your essay or 2-3 questions. I guess try to get it in your second try itself then, all it takes is a little more concentration. Aim for 800 M, 750 W and 700-750 R in your second try, if you dont hit the targets then go for your third try. As far as I know colleges don’t like more than 2 tries, but then again im not an expert on all this so im not sure</p>
<p>Your superscoring (what everyone looks at) puts you at 2300. you’re fine. Pulling off at least 750 in each section shows that you are a very intelligent and competent student. taking the test again will yield you no marginal benefit in admissions.</p>
<p>you’re done, man. move on to something else!</p>