would u grade this essay plz :)

<p>i would be thankful if u guys could grade my essay asap my test is in 2 days :(, please keep in mind thts just my point of view thnk u :D</p>

<p>Assignment: Do we need other people in order to understand ourselves? </p>


<p>Understanding is the essence of life; we contend everyday to understand various thins in life, but do we need other people to understand ourselves? from my point of view; i think other people have a great influence on our ways of understanding the world, however, our ways of viewing the world will differ depending on what kind of person you are, and how great can people affect you.</p>

<p>I am totally positive that i would have understood myself differently if the people around me change; although their personalities are not connected to mine; thy have had a great influence on myself, and they would've changed my personality entirely. For instance, my old best friend used to be a decent respectful friend i used to revere him and honor him for his great personality ___ strong, smart, and keen, however, two years ago he started to hang out with the wrong people. who changed the way he understood himself, he now thinks of life as a way of entertainment he started to smoke and drink and who knows what else has changed in him, thats how powerful the influence of the people who make us understand our selves in the wrong way.</p>

<p>On the other hand; lets look at the bright side of this statement; people can make us understand ourselves so we can improve in life, and succeed; they help us through the harsh times we encounter. Lets take a contemporary example; the elected president of the USA Barrack Obama for instance; I am sue he didn't get elected by all the hard work he managed to succeed in doing so by himself; all his coworkers helped him out in place where he couldn't manage to over go alone; his wife and kids surely supported him morally and had a great influence on his self-esteem which resulted later on with his confident speeches and at the end of the election that resulted in his great victory.</p>

<p>In conclusion, i totally agree the statement, and i think that the more we understand ourselves the better, however; its just which are we taking? understading the good side of ourselves or the bide side? well that's up to you and it depends on what kind of person you want to be.</p>

<p>awesome 12- but i think other people help us understand ourselves better(holistically). </p>

<p>guess you can say hester from the scarlett letter-isolation from society gave her a new perspective on its limits to women in that puritan society–it empowered her…she grew–other people respected her and looked up to her example…</p>

<p>Human’s are social beings. </p>

<p>Other people are mirrors–they provide us with self awareness of ourselves.</p>

<p>My teachers help me understand what i did well: through reinforcements…friends too–but its non verbal–facial cues show approval–etc.</p>

<p>[Self-knowledge</a> - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia](<a href=“http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Self-knowledge]Self-knowledge”>Self-knowledge - Wikipedia)</p>

<p>most of the essays deal with this topic–in one sense or another–eg. adversity–so you picked a good topic–</p>

<p>good work 12/12</p>

<p>[Self-Knowledge:</a> How We Come to Understand Ourselves](<a href=“http://wps.prenhall.com/hss_aronson_socpsych_6/64/16426/4205264.cw/-/4205401/index.html]Self-Knowledge:”>http://wps.prenhall.com/hss_aronson_socpsych_6/64/16426/4205264.cw/-/4205401/index.html)</p>

<p>looking glass self etc. All the stuff i hated when i took social psych and sociology in university–(:</p>


<p>I don’t think your points are very strong, and the first body paragraph is practically a big run on sentence. Semicolons should be used when they ENHANCE the writing, not just because you want to.</p>

<p>8/12 </p>

<p>pretty much the same comments that invisiblemonster talked about</p>

<p>thnx alot guys for ur replies i really appreciate it :)</p>