Would you be mixed or white if one parent was Nordic and the other came from Spain?

I don’t know whether to mark mixed or white on my college application. Many people from Spain (which is in Europe) Hispanic and over the years teachers have forced me to either mark white of mixed depending on the teacher’s viewpoint.

Hispanic can be ANY race.

"For federal data reporting some years ago, persons from Spain were counted as European under the
“White” race, not as a Hispanic ethnicity.  However, that policy has changed.  The following is not
exhaustive but the results are consistent on the coding of persons from Spain:  definitions and directions
call for persons from Spain to be categorized as Hispanic. " “From the Census State and County QuickFacts:
Hispanics or Latinos are those people who classified themselves in one of the specific Spanish, Hispanic,
or Latino categories listed on the Census 2000 questionnaire ‐“Mexican, Mexican Am., Chicano,” “Puerto
Rican”, or “Cuban” ‐as well as those who indicate that they are “other Spanish/Hispanic/Latino.” Persons
who indicated that they are “other Spanish/Hispanic/Latino” include those whose origins are from
Spain, the Spanish‐speaking countries of Central or South America, the Dominican Republic or people
identifying themselves generally as Spanish, Spanish‐American, Hispanic, Hispano, Latino, and so on.

My application has three different possible categories for me:
White (Non-Hispanic)

It considers Hispanic as a race (which is of course incorrect) and I don’t know if I should mark White (Non-Hispanic)

You can fit the description of either Hispanic which include Spain or mixed (Hispanic and white). It is up to you how you identify. Nobody will force you to pick any one category. You can choose white if that is how you identify.Any works for you.

I wouldn’t mark multiracial because you are one race. You are both White (non Hispanic) and Hispanic. You can either pick both or none at all. I am presuming it is optional to state your race and ethnicity.

I am Mexican-American-native American . Our family has always marked “white” because our Spanish ancestors were “white”. Unless your Spanish ancestors were of a Moorish background from centuries ago, then you shouldnt consider yourself a non white. Just my opinion. It won’t matter much for you in admissions.

Usually you should be able to pick Hispanic/Latino separately from race because ethnicity and race are different. I would say mark Hispanic as well as white.