<p>Hi there,</p>
<p>I'm writing a DBQ right now for homework on the Russo-Turkish War. The question is:</p>
<p>Analyze the various views of British leaders about the Eastern Question and the Russo-Turkish War of 1877-1878. </p>
<p>My thesis statement is:</p>
<p>"The British, as a result of seeing the Russians as a potential threat to the Suez Canal, mostly supported the Turks and therefore were actively involved in the war; however, other British leaders didn't want to get involved because they felt that Britain wasn't stable enough to engage in war." </p>
<p>My three groups are:</p>
<li>Those who wanted to get involved in the war</li>
<li>Those who didn't want to get involved in the war </li>
<li>Those who just distantly hated the Turks </li>
<p>In my thesis statement, should I include the third group that I listed or just stick with what I have?</p>
<p>Thank you soooo much, this is such a hard DBQ. Have a wonderful day, all of you.</p>
<p>Your thesis is essentially a statement of what you will be talking about in your essay. So yes, you should include the third group. You need to integrate it into your thesis in some way. How come your teacher hasn’t told you this? I’m in AP euro right now and my teacher would laugh if we didn’t mention all the groupings.</p>
<p>Leaders indicates two or more. For AP work indentify half a dozen leaders and recite their viewponts and then compliment it with your own analysis. GL.</p>
<p>I have a pretty bad teacher. All he does is have us write down notes, and we don’t even have any tests or quizzes. We’ve done a total of like 5 dbq’s (including this one) the entire year, and honestly, that is IT. Oh and he gives us like a week to do the DBQ’s, also. That’s honestly all he does. No homework either. </p>
<p>But thank you so much, I’ll do that!
<p>Anyone else have any other suggestions!? :)</p>
<p>And any suggestions on how to include the third group without changing the structure of my thesis statement? I kind of feel like the third group is a little weak.</p>