would you ever date a black girl?
Maybe you should post this in the High School Life forum. Also, I feel like this has the potential to aggravate people. You either say, “Yes” or say, “No” and get flamed for it, because there are very few socially acceptable reasons to give for not dating someone because of their skin color / race / culture.
Well, no, because I’m a heterosexual girl. So I wouldn’t date a girl period, race being an irrelevant factor.
I’m Caucasian, but I’m a pretty open person. I’d date a girl regardless of her skin color if she’s very attractive. Talking about Victoria Secret level.
I’m a straight girl and I’d still date Beyonce, lol.
But in all seriousness, in terms of race specifically, I’d date (and marry) a man of any color so long as he was decent, upstanding, and had a sense of humor. I’m interested in anyone who can genuinely make me laugh.
Victoria secret models wear extensions,weave and makeup.
So if a black girl wore all of that and still looked good would you date to her?
@18lathama - If a man dates you “in spite” of your race, he isn’t the type of man you want to be with. Plenty of people would date a girl of any race or creed - it’s not even a consideration. Don’t worry about it.
- I'm married. I'm not dating anyone.
- I'm female and heterosexual. When I did date, it was guys.
But my whiter than white niece is married to an African American guy, and their 3 kids are the cutest kids I’ve ever seen.
Skin color and gender is irrelevant to me as long as we’re compatible.
I wouldn’t because I am a straight female.
@NurseAlyssa Would you date a black man?
Would you have the same thought process about a white man? @LizzieElizabeth
@preamble1776 this is one of those topics where race isn’t really an issue, imo. Would she have the same thought process for a tall man? a short man? a blonde? a brunette? blue eyes? green eyes? fat? skinny? fit? dadbod?
The only difference is that you can’t control your race, while you can control all of the other things I mentioned (barring height).
I think this is a really interesting question. I don’t think it was asked to stir up issues, but instead to gain some insight. You’d be surprised how many people (specifically, in my experience, Caucasians) say they won’t date an African American person. And these aren’t people who identify themselves as “racists”, they just say they won’t. I guess it’s just about personal preference? Many Caucasian guys won’t date black girls (unfortunately, lol), because of all the preconceived notions they have about us. I once had this cute guy tell me I was “the least ghetto” black person he’s ever met. If that’s what white guys think of us, then that’s a shame.
ANYWAYS, I’m a black girl, and race doesn’t matter to me. I’ve seen attractive guys of varying races.
The problem with people with “racial preferences” is that there are very few if any shared traits among all members of a race thus making any sort of pause kind of ridiculous. Even skin tone (which is often people’s primary basis for assuming race) varies drastically among people of that race. Like you cannot reduce blacks to a single adjective (positive or negative) so I don’t see the point in saying that someone wouldn’t know whether or not they’d date one.
Race is irrelevant to me, so long as they’re an SWG (sweet wholesome gal) with a great sense of humor.
The thing is that stereotypes really reduce black girls to mostly negative adjectives (ghetto, ratchet, loud, masculine, etc). This is why guys of other races might find black girls unattractive and undate-able.
Similarly, the stereotypes label ALL Asians as “book-warms” and “extremely intelligent”.
Thankfully, we don’t all have to fit these stereotypes
I wouldn’t, to be honest. (I’m a South Asian in case you’re wondering)
I do notice a pattern in what guys I think are attractive, but that’s more about facial features and less about skin tone for me. Could definitely pick out multiple examples from any given race.
Well, it’s so hard to answer these broad questions, because basically everyone’s answer is, “It depends”. I don’t know for sure if I’d date a black guy. I certainly wouldn’t date a (negatively) stereotypical “thug” or the like, but a gentleman who is attractive and treats me right will have my attention regardless of race.
Though there is the added complication of coming from the South, where my whole family is not so accepting…