
<p>I went to the Open House today. I was definitely pleasantly surprised. I've been in Maryland my entire life and there has been a bit of a stigma against UMCP....but I was impressed by the opportunities they have available for my major (GVT/POL) such as getting your bachelor's and master's in 4 or 5 years and the opportunities in Honors.</p>

<p>Part of me wishes I didnt like it so that my decision would be easier....I'm down to three schools....I never thought that this would be the hard part of the college admissions process....</p>

<p>The campus is amazing. I too had thought of MD as a party school ( and yes they do party there ) but they also work hard! The buildings are amazing.
We toured William and Mary and then we toured UMDCP and too me WM had charm but UMDCP had it really going on! The comcast center was amazing..And the Clarice Smith performing Arts center was gorgeous..the whole campus is like a picture perfect college campus!
And they offer sooo much. My D. loves it there. I love the price compared to her other initial picks
What other schools are you looking at?</p>